She is getting pretty close to being able to sit up. See, here’s proof:
From Shanna |
And here is right after she was nomming Noah’s head trying to get to his spicy brains. Notice the clever, “What? What did I do?” expression?
From Shanna |
And then today I put her down on the bed while I was folding laundry. She played with her toys for a while (ok, she just made them talk back and forth–no really! The voices were awesome.) then she started doing the “I don’t wannnnnna sleep” whine. Then when I looked a minute or so later she was drowsing off. Here is evidence of her first time putting herself to sleep.
From Shanna |
This parenting thing is really awesome.
She’s starting to look more like you right around the nose and eyes, although the shape of the Jaw seems to be more Noah.
Cute photos keep um coming. By the way send me sizes in about a month, in case I see anything cute at Paris Disney
I’m buying clothes in 12-18 and 18-24. She is within days of being out of 3-6 and I’m not sure how much more 6-12 I’m going to need. If I need more in that size it is better to buy it on the fly.
I’m even starting to accumulate toddler clothing even though she won’t be there for a while.
Man oh man, your kid is cute!
Shanna is the ultimate in cuteness, and I’m enjoying your parenting posts very much, though I rarely comment.
Okay. she just gets prettier and prettier!