So if I sit her on a chair (with back support) she can keep sitting for a while. When she falls to the side or forward she can push herself back into the sitting position. Very cool.
Yesterday she had a couple of opportunities to see other babies/kids and she watched them with great fascination. They were sitting and crawling and walking. Today she sits. She was also a little more interested than normal in taking steps when I pulled her to standing. I wonder if she feels inspiration or competition when she sees other kids.
I was amused because many of the babies/kids who were much older than her were basically the same size or smaller. That’s mommy’s little tank.
I think one reason our Kidlet got some of her motor skills really quickly was the opportunity to watch slightly older kids doing that stuff, too. Most of the kids in her daycare don’t crawl much, but they do walk with a more child-like gait than the adults around her do; and kidlet was about average for crawling and early for walking.
Sounds like yours is learning from the other kids, too.