I am not really an anime fan. I like it well enough and can understand why others enjoy it. Just not my passion. There are many fandoms I am into. As it is I can not attend all the cons I want to in a year. To waste money on a fandom that isn’t really my cuppa just doesn’t make sense. My other reasons for not attending the con anymore are best taken offline. There were some things about the social dynamic that I was not crazy about. I support the con and am glad it exists.
If you have Netflix you can get a taste of what it is like at the con. Watch “The Great Happiness Space”. It indirectly explains why Yaoi culture is the way it is. Bishounen at Y Con are treated a bit like Japanese rent boys at certain times during the con.
All that being said. Y con is excellent for same sex hook ups. Obviously it is a very GLBTetc supportive (nigh encouraging) environment. Definitely sex positive without the whacked hypocrisies of some BDSM communities.
I actually bought tickets last year — I wanted to wander around and get the vibe, thinking it might be helpful for Girlfag — but by the time it arrived I was exhausted and sick and so I blew it off. But it does sound rather fabulously weird. My son Ben had some truly snippy things to say about yaoi and those who love it… wish I’d saved it.
Used to
I presented and volunteered for a few years. Don’t anymore. nto because of Leks but the fandom wasn’t really my cup of tea.
Re: Used to
Hunh. Now that I think about it, I can see it being your thing. Why’d you decide it wasn’t?
Y Con
I am not really an anime fan. I like it well enough and can understand why others enjoy it. Just not my passion. There are many fandoms I am into. As it is I can not attend all the cons I want to in a year. To waste money on a fandom that isn’t really my cuppa just doesn’t make sense. My other reasons for not attending the con anymore are best taken offline. There were some things about the social dynamic that I was not crazy about. I support the con and am glad it exists.
If you have Netflix you can get a taste of what it is like at the con. Watch “The Great Happiness Space”. It indirectly explains why Yaoi culture is the way it is. Bishounen at Y Con are treated a bit like Japanese rent boys at certain times during the con.
All that being said. Y con is excellent for same sex hook ups. Obviously it is a very GLBTetc supportive (nigh encouraging) environment. Definitely sex positive without the whacked hypocrisies of some BDSM communities.
Some of my friends from Davis go every year.
You may remember them from the class you taught.
If you wanna meet up with them let me know and I’ll see who is going.
Heh. I was amused by it and curious in a nosy sort of way, but I won’t be going.
Aww… I hear it’s a lot of fun.. for females (males get treated like fresh meat in a tiger pit).
I actually bought tickets last year — I wanted to wander around and get the vibe, thinking it might be helpful for Girlfag — but by the time it arrived I was exhausted and sick and so I blew it off. But it does sound rather fabulously weird. My son Ben had some truly snippy things to say about yaoi and those who love it… wish I’d saved it.
*grin* It’s really not my thing. I was sort of curious if I knew anyone for whom it is their thing.
I know a few people who are going. Lydia will be there, sketching pictures of boys macking on boys for people to buy as souvenirs :o)
I gave a presentation on bullwhips there once.