She can’t name a Supreme Court case other than Roe vs. Wade. Can you?
Brown vs. Board of Education baby. Separate but equal… isn’t equal.
She can’t name a Supreme Court case other than Roe vs. Wade. Can you?
Brown vs. Board of Education baby. Separate but equal… isn’t equal.
Bush vs. Gore
Seems like it would be recent and memorable enough for most people to recollect.
Heller v. Washington D.C. was easily the most significant decision in the last decade or two. Given her culture, I’m surprised that she wasn’t aware of it.
Love Vs Virginia, which is why the add virginia is for lovers always amused me
edit: oops make that LOVING vs Virgina
I’m amused, I studied two cases just this summer regarding exclusion of Asian Americans from citizenship and I can not for the life of me remember the names
Edit: sometimes its not knowing the answer, but knowing what questions to ask.
Takao Ozawa v. United States
Chung Fook v. White
Gong Lum v. Rice
crap, how did I forget Loving?
ooohh… didn’t know this one but I guess I should
Reynolds v. United States
I admit I spent a good fifteen minutes on this, I can’t say it was all off the cuff:
Bush v. Gore — Who gets to be president
Plessy v. Ferguson — Separate but Equal OK
Brown v. Board of Education — Separate but Equal Not OK
Griswold v. Connecticut — Got Condoms?
Lawrence v. Texas — Sodomy Ho!
Kelo v. City of New London — Property? Not Yours
Dred Scott (was that v. Stanford? Sanford? something like that) — Citizenship? Not Yours
Hustler v. Jerry Falwell — First amendment
Miranda v. Arizona — “Miranda Rights”
The Henry Miller decision (v. ?) First amendment
oh yah, dred scott (embarrased I didn’t remember that)
and bush v. gore…. yo mama
Miranda of course, and the hustler case also embarrassed I forgot
Marbury v. Madison – the grandaddy, established the power of the SCOTUS
Lawrence v. Ashcroft – legality of copyright extension
Planned Parenthood of PA v. Casey – more abortion
US v. Virginia – separate but equal for military training bases by sex unconstitutional (aka “the citadel case”)
US v. Nixon – the President is not above the law
Engel v. Vitale – School prayer
Lemon v. Kurtzman – establishment clause, source of the “Lemon Test”
Sony v. Universal – recording a copyrighted program to watch later protected
She can’t name a Supreme Court case other than Roe vs. Wade with which she disagrees.
FCC vs. Pacifica in 1978, or as it is better known, “The Seven Dirty Words You Can Never Say on Television.”
Let’s not forget The People vs. Larry Flynt…
No. I can’t. I couldn’t even think of Brown vs BoE. I might not be smarter than SP, but I’m not running for VP. That’s one of the things that infuriates me most about people who seem to vote Republican: they’re voting for someone who “seems like themselves”. (Maybe it happens on the Dem side too but after a trail of glory like W and SP… I think the Repubs have got the market cornered.) I don’t want someone like me in office! I want someone smarter! And I’m pretty smart. Smart enough to know how stupid I am, which is more than I can say for most of America… *sigh* *grumble* *going to bed*