
So I watched the Palin/Biden debate. Wow. Could she have tried any harder to seem stupid? In my oh-so-humble opinion if you are going to say “gosh” and “darn” and “heck” so often you might as well say god, and damn, and hell. What you are saying is equally as unintelligent and low class. This is why I don’t really care if people swear.

And I was rather disappointed that neither of them could ANSWER A FUCKING QUESTION.

Although Biden was a little more self-deprecating in a funny way. And I liked his small jabs. He should have used bigger ones imo. But dude. She was so not playing to me.

3 thoughts on “Debates

  1. flavoroflove

    I was glad that Biden said that Cheney was the most dangerous vice president in US history. I could not believe that Palin gave him that opening with the comment about the Constitution’s description of vice presidential powers, which has been the centerpiece of the Bush regime’s assault on our model of government. I was also glad that he repeatedly stated that this was the most important election in our lifetime, and that the differences between the candidates and the parties were vast. The campaigns make huge issues out of nonsense like lipstick, but boring and complicated topics like the erosion of civil rights and due process are never raised. I was glad Biden called them out in even the limited fashion that he did.


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