Go for funny

The race is on . . . . . . this is funny. YOU fill in the blanks about ME … even if you don’t have any idea … and send it back to ME (via reply). But first post a blank one out to all your friends so they can return the favor to you.

My name:

Summarize me in one sentence:

Where did we meet?

Take a stab at my middle name?

How long have you known me?

When is the last time that we saw each other?

Do I drink?

Do I smoke?

Do I do drugs?

Am I happy?

Am I a good person?

What was your first impression of upon meeting me/seeing me?

What’s one of my favorite things to do?

What do I love more than anything?

Am I funny?

Have you ever made me smile … if so when?

What’s my favorite type of music?

Have you ever seen me cry?

Can I sing?

What is the best feature about me?

Am I shy or outgoing?

Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules?

Do I have any special talents?

What is a word that describes my personality?

Have you ever hugged me?

Kissed me?

What is my favorite food?

Am I a good cook?

Am I dating anyone?

If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be?

What’s your favorite memory of me?

What is my worst habit?

Do I like corn dogs?

Have you ever had a dream about me?

If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what is the one thing I would bring?

Are we friends?

What’s my religion?

Am I family oriented?

Who is my best friend?

Will you repost this so I can do it?

11 thoughts on “Go for funny

  1. angelbob

    My name: Krissy

    Summarize me in one sentence: Silly, prickly, radiant, adorable, opinionated, gorgeous, energetic, dedicated, and occasionally uncertain all apply, and yet none of those sums you up well.

    Where did we meet? My house

    Take a stab at my middle name? Have at thee, Lenora!

    How long have you known me? Four and a half years, give or take.

    When is the last time that we saw each other? This morning

    Do I drink? Yup. Lambic, most recently. Milk and Kahlua, often.

    Do I smoke? Nope.

    Do I do drugs? Not while breastfeeding, at least so far 😉

    Am I happy? Far as I can tell.

    Am I a good person? Yup.

    What was your first impression of upon meeting me/seeing me? I was bustling around enough that my *first* impression upon *first* meeting you was pretty vague. Shortly thereafter, I was amused that you’d openly wear a collar, but were too shy to take off your coat.

    What’s one of my favorite things to do? Play with Shanna.

    What do I love more than anything? Me! I hope.

    Am I funny? Usually. Sometimes you try not to be 🙂

    Have you ever made me smile … if so when? Yup. Playing with Shanna yesterday is the first thing that comes to mind. Proposing to you probably also counts 😉

    What’s my favorite type of music? Country. 80’s butt-rock is also worth an honorable mention.

    Have you ever seen me cry? Yup.

    Can I sing? Yup.

    What is the best feature about me? Anything I say here can be used against me by *not* being some other good feature. Your smile and your hair are both lovely, though. The latter is especially nice in red.

    Am I shy or outgoing? Yes. Alternately.

    Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules? Yes. Alternately.

    Do I have any special talents? Many. You’re one of the few people I know who reads significantly faster than I do, among other things.

    What is a word that describes my personality? I don’t get credit for that first answer? I like “intense”.

    Have you ever hugged me? Yup.

    Kissed me? This morning, even.

    What is my favorite food? Thai? You really like yellow curry chicken. Also PB&J’s with creamy peanut butter and apple jelly. I’m not sure what your absolute favorite is offhand. Am I fired?

    Am I a good cook? Yup. You’re not confident to do a lot of new stuff or variety without a cookbook in front of you, but you do a fine job of cooking. You’re just insecure about it.

    Am I dating anyone? Well, you’re married to me.

    If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be? No clue. I like your name.

    What’s your favorite memory of me? There are some really good conversations that come to mind. The one with the “everyday love” song. The first DHP was very nice. We had a *lovely* trip to Carmel years ago. Those would all be contenders.

    What is my worst habit? Interesting question. “Worst” to spectators, or that I care about?

    Do I like corn dogs? I can’t remember you eating them. They don’t seem like especially your thing, I don’t think.

    Have you ever had a dream about me? Probably, but I almost never remember my dreams.

    If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what is the one thing I would bring? Shanna 🙂 Also possibly music.

    Are we friends? I hope so.

    What’s my religion? You’re sorta pagan, sorta not. “Spiritual but not religious” isn’t a terrible description.

    Am I family oriented? Yup.

    Who is my best friend? Brittney is your *oldest* friend. But these days I’m not sure. Anna presumably isn’t it any more…

    Will you repost this so I can do it? Won’t repost, but you can do it about me if you like.

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      You didn’t go for funny…

      “What was your first impression of upon meeting me/seeing me? I was bustling around enough that my *first* impression upon *first* meeting you was pretty vague. Shortly thereafter, I was amused that you’d openly wear a collar, but were too shy to take off your coat.”

      Well, a collar is no big deal. Cleavage is!

      “What do I love more than anything? Me! I hope.”

      Very much so.

      “What is my favorite food? Thai? You really like yellow curry chicken. Also PB&J’s with creamy peanut butter and apple jelly. I’m not sure what your absolute favorite is offhand. Am I fired?”

      Not fired. Only food I don’t turn down (other than pregnancy): Top Ramen. Oh baby.

      That was a lovely Carmel trip. Mmmmmm

      We have corndogs in the freezer. 🙂 (They are vegetarian, but still…)

    2. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      My name: Noah

      Summarize me in one sentence: Intelligent, tolerant, affectionate, sentimental, reserved, logical, intense, sexy, mean, and just generally awesome.

      Where did we meet? In my house. In your house. In our house. 🙂

      Take a stab at my middle name? Lee

      How long have you known me? Hasn’t it been forever? If not then it should have been.

      When is the last time that we saw each other? Too long ago! Come home!

      Do I drink? Sometimes. Expensive alcohol of various stripes and I bought you peach Lambic!

      Do I smoke? Mmmm only at the best times with lots of friction.

      Do I do drugs? Not on a daily basis. 🙂

      Am I happy? I really hope so. I try to do things to help you be happy.

      Am I a good person? The best.

      What was your first impression of upon meeting me/seeing me? Who the fuck is this creepy guy?

      What’s one of my favorite things to do? Play computer games and have sex are probably tied as your favorite things.

      What do I love more than anything? Me!

      Am I funny? Maybe. 😉

      Have you ever made me smile … if so when? I covered you in kisses this morning.

      What’s my favorite type of music? Silly story songs.

      Have you ever seen me cry? Nope. I don’t think you cry. I’ve seen you experience intense emotion, but you don’t tear up.

      Can I sing? Very well. I love your voice.

      What is the best feature about me? Your.. *cough* brain. 🙂 You have very pretty eyes.

      Am I shy or outgoing? You are an introvert, but I wouldn’t call you shy. You can be outgoing.

      Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules? Depends on the rules.

      Do I have any special talents? Oh gosh yes. Your memory is the most outstanding in my mind.

      What is a word that describes my personality? Fun!

      Have you ever hugged me? Not recently enough. Come home!

      Kissed me? See above.

      What is my favorite food? Sushi? Nutty bars? Ice cream?

      Am I a good cook? Very

      Am I dating anyone? Me!

      If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be? angelbob?

      What’s your favorite memory of me? Proposing. It was really wonderful. Isn’t it funny that getting married was less dramatic?

      What is my worst habit? That fingernail scraping thing you do. The sound makes me twitch.

      Do I like corn dogs? I think you would eat them in a pinch.

      Have you ever had a dream about me? Lots. 🙂 Some are even G-rated.

      If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what is the one thing I would bring?
      Laptop. 🙂

      Are we friends? Bloody well better be.

      What’s my religion? Atheist

      Am I family oriented? Very much so these days.

      Who is my best friend? Me! Tom is in second place though. 🙂

      Will you repost this so I can do it? What a silly question.

  2. satyrlovesong

    My name: K*

    Summarize me in one sentence: Among other things you are an intense, evolving, gloriously opinionated woman.

    Where did we meet? You know, I don’t remember. Online, I think. I remember the first time I saw you, but I don’t think we were introduced at the time.

    Take a stab at my middle name? No clue, but I’d pick something Roman like Julia, Cornelia or Aurelia.

    How long have you known me? A few years now.

    When is the last time that we saw each other? Your house, for a lovely home made meal. I needed a chance to unwind, and you provided the calm solace I needed. Thank you.

    Do I drink? Occasionally.

    Do I smoke? No.

    Do I do drugs? Not that I’ve seen.

    Am I happy? More often than not, now.

    Am I a good person? Yes.

    What was your first impression of upon meeting me/seeing me? So THAT is the BootSlut everyone is talking about. She’s cute, and she seems smart. Hey, is she wearing cowboy boots with polka dots?

    What’s one of my favorite things to do? Learn.

    What do I love more than anything? Your family.

    Am I funny? You just made my boss peek in on me. I guess you are sometimes.

    Have you ever made me smile … if so when? Often, actually. Most recently several times today. You’re on a roll.

    What’s my favorite type of music? You’ve mentioned several.

    Have you ever seen me cry? Yes.

    Can I sing? I suspect so.

    What is the best feature about me? You aren’t afraid of the truth.

    Am I shy or outgoing? both

    Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules? Depends on the rules, and the situation you’re in.

    Do I have any special talents? Myriad.

    What is a word that describes my personality? Resilient

    Have you ever hugged me? Yes

    Kissed me? I don’t recall, actually.

    What is my favorite food? Things you’ve cooked well.

    Am I a good cook? You made the first corned beef and cabbage I’ve ever liked.

    Am I dating anyone? You have regular play dates with your daughter, does that count?

    If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be? TBD

    What’s your favorite memory of me? One of the kindest memories was you looking after me and spending time with me when I was SO dizzy with an inner ear infection one Gaskell’s. It’s when I realized that we could become friends, rather than merely online acquaintances.

    What is my worst habit? Letting Angelbob host big parties when you’d rather not have people over? Next time, you and I can just get a hotel room, ok?

    Do I like corn dogs? Probably not.

    Have you ever had a dream about me? Yes.

    If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what is the one thing I would bring? Can one of us bring all the survival supplies, and the other bring the library?

    Are we friends? Yes.

    What’s my religion? I don’t believe you follow an organized religion.

    Am I family oriented? Very.

    Who is my best friend? Angelbob

  3. noirem

    My name: Miss Krissy

    Summarize me in one sentence: no

    Where did we meet? Fisher Middle School

    Take a stab at my middle name? Lenora

    How long have you known me? 16 years or so

    When is the last time that we saw each other? thursday

    Do I drink? yes

    Do I smoke? no

    Do I do drugs? no

    Am I happy? yes(!)

    Am I a good person? yes

    What was your first impression of upon meeting me/seeing me? white trash slut

    What’s one of my favorite things to do? play with your daughter

    What do I love more than anything? your family

    Am I funny? lookin’ :o)

    Have you ever made me smile … if so when? all the fricking time!

    What’s my favorite type of music? country

    Have you ever seen me cry? yes

    Can I sing? at least as well as I can

    What is the best feature about me? physical? probably your beautiful hair

    Am I shy or outgoing? yes

    Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules? yes

    Do I have any special talents? doesn’t everyone?

    What is a word that describes my personality? complex

    Have you ever hugged me? yes

    Kissed me? on the cheek

    What is my favorite food? top ramen :o)

    Am I a good cook? it sounds like it. You make a mean sandwich

    Am I dating anyone? not even your hubby, it sounds like 🙁 stupid uncooperative neighbors

    If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be? Miss Krissy :o)

    What’s your favorite memory of me? I don’t have one.

    What is my worst habit? You are very sensitive to people being mean to you and you tend to bristle where no offense was meant.

    Do I like corn dogs? …uh….yes?

    Have you ever had a dream about me? I’m sure I have

    If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what is the one thing I would bring? a satalite phone so you could call for rescue. You’re practical like that.

    Are we friends? of course :o)

    What’s my religion? I would say agnostic.

    Am I family oriented? very

    Who is my best friend? your hubby

    Will you repost this so I can do it? already did. it was part of the directions to do it first.

  4. kbgilmore

    My name: Kristine Gibbs

    Summarize me in one sentence: Damn, that girl is opinionated.

    Where did we meet? Naked in Joe’s Hot tub.

    Take a stab at my middle name? Lenora. Everyone knows that.

    How long have you known me? 5 years?

    When is the last time that we saw each other? Your baby shower?

    Do I drink? yep.

    Do I smoke? Only when on fire.

    Do I do drugs? You have. Not sure about currently.

    Am I happy? You seem to be.

    Am I a good person? Absolutely. One of the few I can answer definitively on.

    What was your first impression of upon meeting me/seeing me? You were exteremly sexy and funny.

    What’s one of my favorite things to do? read.

    What do I love more than anything? Your daughter and husband

    Am I funny? Most definitely.

    Have you ever made me smile … if so when? I have made a funny or two on occasion.

    What’s my favorite type of music? country?

    Have you ever seen me cry? Oh yes.

    Can I sing? I think so.

    What is the best feature about me? I love your smile.

    Am I shy or outgoing? depends on the company frankly.

    Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules? R-E-B-E-L

    Do I have any special talents? A few.

    What is a word that describes my personality? STRONG

    Have you ever hugged me? As often as you let me.

    Kissed me? Yep.

    What is my favorite food? Indian?

    Am I a good cook? I think so. I enjoyed it.

    Am I dating anyone? Well, no, but you are married.

    If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be? Drawing a blank on this one.

    What’s your favorite memory of me? New Year’s Eve a few years ago. Striptease and ensuing silliness.

    What is my worst habit? Self-doubt

    Do I like corn dogs? no?

    Have you ever had a dream about me? Yep.

    If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what is the one thing I would bring? Your daughter?

    Are we friends? I hope so.

    What’s my religion? You have one?

    Am I family oriented? Definitely

    Who is my best friend? Noah.

    Will you repost this so I can do it? Sure.

    1. gerardp

      My name: Krissy

      Summarize me in one sentence: You strike me as intelligent, passionate, unpredictable, fun, interesting, and mysterious.

      Where did we meet? at a sex party

      Take a stab at my middle name? Lenora, I think

      How long have you known me? hmm, maybe 3-4 years?

      When is the last time that we saw each other? We’ve bumped into each other at a couple of parties but I can’t remember exactly the last time.

      Do I drink? I think so.

      Do I smoke? not sure …

      Do I do drugs? not sure … well, unless you consider alcohol a drug

      Am I happy? Sometimes … sometimes not

      Am I a good person? I think so

      What was your first impression of upon meeting me/seeing me? Intelligent, attractive, interesting …

      What’s one of my favorite things to do? Sorry, I don’t stalk you that well.

      What do I love more than anything? ditto …

      Am I funny? Sometimes …

      Have you ever made me smile … if so when? Hmm, I think so … in our limited interaction … I think I remember you smiling

      What’s my favorite type of music? Dunno

      Have you ever seen me cry? I don’t think so

      Can I sing? You haven’t sung in my presence.

      What is the best feature about me? To me, that you’re smart

      Am I shy or outgoing? I would say outgoing unless you hide your shyness well.

      Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules? I would say you’re a rebel.

      Do I have any special talents? You mean like tying a cherry stem in knots? …. not sure

      What is a word that describes my personality? intense

      Have you ever hugged me? Yeah, I think so

      Kissed me? I don’t remember, maybe

      What is my favorite food? Dunno

      Am I a good cook? Dunno

      Am I dating anyone? Um, maybe you consider Noah … but otherwise, I don’t think so right now

      If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be? Dunno

      What’s your favorite memory of me? Meeting you

      What is my worst habit? Dunno

      Do I like corn dogs? Dunno

      Have you ever had a dream about me? Nope

      If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what is the one thing I would bring? Food? Suntan lotion?

      Are we friends? I would consider us that

      What’s my religion? Dunno

      Am I family oriented? I would say, “yes”

      Who is my best friend? Unless it’s Noah, dunno otherwise

      Will you repost this so I can do it? Sure

  5. ewhac

    My name:

    Krissy Gibbs (unless you kept your maiden name)

    Summarize me in one sentence:


    Where did we meet?

    Lost to the mists of time. I think we were introduced by Chris or Leigh Ann.

    Take a stab at my middle name?

    I cheated and read Noah’s response first.

    How long have you known me?

    5 – 6 years

    When is the last time that we saw each other?

    4 – 5 years?

    Do I drink?

    Not to my knowledge.

    Do I smoke?


    Do I do drugs?

    Not to my knowledge; don’t think so.

    Am I happy?

    Desultorily 🙂.

    Am I a good person?


    What was your first impression of upon meeting me/seeing me?


    What’s one of my favorite things to do?

    Special Interest parties?

    What do I love more than anything?

    Which answer will get me the least grief — Noah or your daughter?

    Am I funny?

    I thought so.

    Have you ever made me smile … if so when?

    I hope so.

    What’s my favorite type of music?


    Have you ever seen me cry?

    I don’t think so.

    Can I sing?


    What is the best feature about me?

    Your smile.

    Am I shy or outgoing?

    You strike me as outgoing.

    Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules?

    I’ve seen bits of your wardrobe. You’re a rebel.

    Do I have any special talents?


    What is a word that describes my personality?


    Have you ever hugged me?


    Kissed me?

    Not had that privilege, I don’t think.

    What is my favorite food?


    Am I a good cook?


    Am I dating anyone?

    Does being married count?

    If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be?

    (*blank stare*) There are any number of cheeseball Web sites that can cough
    one up for you.

    What’s your favorite memory of me?

    That walk we took in the park.

    What is my worst habit?


    Do I like corn dogs?


    Have you ever had a dream about me?

    Nope, sorry…

    If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what is the one thing I would bring?

    A satellite phone?

    Are we friends?

    I hope so.

    What’s my religion?


    Am I family oriented?

    You are now 🙂.

    Who is my best friend?


    Will you repost this so I can do it?

    Need to think about that.
    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      “Where did we meet?
      Lost to the mists of time. I think we were introduced by Chris or Leigh Ann. “

      Leigh Ann, Chris was in France.

      “How long have you known me?
      5 – 6 years”

      Try more than 8. 🙂

      “When is the last time that we saw each other?
      4 – 5 years?”

      I’m pretty sure I have seen you once since I got married so more like 2.


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