Oh no!

The cutest baby ever fell asleep on the guest bed (of course, while nursing) about twenty minutes before we need to leave to have lunch with someone. Now tell me, how can I wake up a baby this cute:

From Shanna

More recent pictures!

My kid will have Disney in her life pretty much always it seems:

From Shanna

With the Boppy she can sit for 45 minutes playing. Without the Boppy she gets a little too excited, flings herself backwards and bangs her head. Then she cries. Then we nurse. Then she won’t be set down again for a while. So we use the Boppy. 🙂

From Shanna

We’ve been reading more and she is starting to play with the books too:

From Shanna

Her “I’m thinking” posture in the swing. 🙂

From Shanna

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