I love tequila in lemonade. It’s awesome. But right now I can’t have it. I can’t have it because we are out of mixable tequila. The only tequila we have left is Patron Platinum and that is *not* getting mixed with lemonade. Mmmm. We need to open that bottle soon. Do I have any tequila fans reading?
Though I prefer it in limeade.
I hate tequila. absolutely hate it. Where’s the next shotglass full of it? I can bring some Corzo to share.
mmmmmmmm tequilaaaaaa
While I like GOOD tequila, I HATE bad tequila.
Then again, in two years living in the Bay I made to your place ONCE, so don’t wait up for me on this:P
At any family function we go through at least 2 bottles of patron. It goes down so smooth without it being chilled.
drinking patron straight is wonderful!
i always relax after a shot
exhale GENTLY
and allow the vapors
to rush into my sinuses.
besos de ángeles..
I will help you drink your liquor. I’m cool like that
I will help you drink your liquor. I’m cool like that