Maybe Noah should bookmark this entry.
Clothes in size XL. ETSY sucks for linking to. I like gaiaconceptions shop. Her user id seems to be: 5381559
I’m torn between these boots: first one and these: second one I wouldn’t be upset about either. Size 9 US/7 UK
So I can proclaim loyalty: Geek love Size XL
If these motherfuckers ever get it back in stock I want to replace the shirt Spot gave me: Size medium I miss this shirt since it wore out. *sniff*
I am a big fan of Warm Vanilla Sugar and I will happily replenish stock. See, I am a vanilla girl!
I would not be mad if I received a couple of good knives. It would be nice to find out what it is like to use knives that are actually sharp. I’ll be careful; I promise!
Go to: and look for hosiery I’ll wear it for you.
I haven’t read the last Kushiel book yet and I wanna.
A few other books from my wishlist.
I drool all over these socks. Pretty much all of them.
I’m not going to link to a specific place because they are all over the internet, but a textured shirt would be neato.
Movies: Bedknobs & Broomsticks, Davey Crockett, Ella Enchanted, The Gnomemobile, Lt. Robin Crusoe, Mary Poppins, Newsies, Pollyanna, Watcher in the Woods… it goes on.
Jammies in size 4.
Time to go for now. May be back later.
For Noah’s sake: pressies are weird. What makes me feel the most cheerful is having a present to open on Christmas Eve (jammies!), and two presents Christmas morning. And then there’s the stocking. Good stockings tend to contain a wide array of things: socks/underwear/a small book/movie/food of some kind/neat pens or pencils/small things that could have been presents/gift cards (like $5 for itunes)/bath products/random stuff good for travel/often a small stuffed animal sort of thing/something small that would be neat in the kitchen could be fun… the list of things that go well in a stocking is long. The main point of a stocking is to have a bunch of small things stuffed into it pretty tight so it feels like a never ending treasure trove. It’s a really awesome feeling.
Doing all of this isn’t cheap, but it doesn’t have to be that expensive either. My mom usually spends in the neighborhood of $100-$150/person for their stocking and presents. That will almost certainly be less than you spend, cause you are like that, but you don’t have to be super extravagant either. A gift bag with three or four pairs of really neato socks counts as a present.
The secret to sharp knives…
…is not to buy good knives, it is to sharpen the knives you have regularly. Bring a couple of knives with you next Saturday and I will sharpen them for you.
Re: The secret to sharp knives…
Uhm, sure. I’ll…. uhhhh carry knives around next Saturday…. >:-/ Who are you? I have some guesses.
Most of my knives were cheap crappy knives when my mother bought them 30+ years ago. I’m willing to give it a go on sharpening them, but I’m not optimistic.