This morning I woke up in the midst of a very cool dream about and ‘s new house. There was a secret room (that was really more like a secret wing) with all kind of nifty features. I told “How can you not find a secret room!!” She said, “No one expects a secret room.” I said, “That’s like saying ‘No one expects the Spanish Inquisition’–they bloody well should have.” It was one of those cool dreams with flying and such.
And when I got up and checked my email I had an email from a reporter wanting to come on the freak breeder outing to interview people. I responded and said that was not a good idea. I don’t want people to show up to this event and be put on the spot for being weirdos, thankyouvermuch.
You don’t need me to tell you thins, but I think you made the right decision… Maybe, if you’re comfortable, offer to do an interview with the reporter, but no need to have them come to your first event and bug people….
When I’m a breeder I want to come to your events… We need a breeder friendly group for those of us not yet ready to have babies can play with babies….
breeder friendly group for those of us not yet ready to have babies can play with babies….
I had the impression that this group could include the breeder-friendly.
Did you not?
Is there any chance he’s going to come anyway? I’m quite camera averse, and suddenly my entire gut clenched up.
She responded saying that she understood and asked me to pass along her contact information to anyone who might be willing to talk to her. I’m fairly confident she won’t show up. My email to her was very strongly worded about, “No really. Don’t come.”
Just keep an eye out. Reporters are kind of dicks about that.
That’s what I’m worried about.
I am not trying to be alarmist. But an ounce of caution is worth it in this case. Reporters are encouraged to have few morals in this regard.
She could be lying to me, but her stated goal is to figure out what are the needs of freak parents that are not being met. That’s not the sort of thing she will find out if she alienates people. And given that we are going to the zoo I doubt she expect titillating pictures to blackmail us with. The scope of the invitation is broad enough that you can’t really show up and pin any particular label on anyone.
I might be willing to talk to her, fwiw.
Awesome! I certainly wasn’t expecting a secret room. Wanna come show me where it’s hidden?
I’ll *think* about it. Depends on what kind of cookies you offer me.
Chocolate chip w/ Evil?
how did a newspaper person hear about it?
Well, it was posted on the internet.