Not trying to hurt anyone’s feelings.

A chick is going on the outing tomorrow who I am not thrilled about seeing. On one hand I feel kind of growly about having to deal with her. On the other hand seeing for myself how isolating being a parent can be I don’t want to deny her the opportunity to meet new people.


wanna be selfish. damnit.

9 thoughts on “Not trying to hurt anyone’s feelings.

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      Was that sufficiently sarcastic? Now I’m insecure. Of course it’s not you. I invite you to my house repeatedly–that’s a big deal in my little world. 🙂

  1. katharos

    I wanna be selfish too. One of the moms I know doesn’t drive, so whenever I invite her places I end up giving her a ride, and then go home early when her daughter needs to nap or suffer her daughter melting down. But I have to invite her places because she’s my friend. No fair.

  2. bldrnrpdx

    You are creating an opportunity for a meet-&-greet. That does not make you responsible for everyone who comes along. I don’t believe you developed the idea of these outings in order to like every single person who attends. You posted the annoucement publicly and cast the net widely. I think it’s a given you aren’t going to like or sync up with absolutely everyone. That’s okay. They’re coming along to met Other People, not Just You.

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      Due to a series of difficult circumstances she is mainly going for Noah, which means I will have to deal with her a lot. She is one of his old college friends and she has social anxiety issues and we are driving her even though I don’t wanna.

      And this will be screened cause I’m not trying to poison this pool, just whine a little. 🙂


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