Party! (Before you get lost in details: remember that I ALWAYS APPRECIATE RSVP’S!!!! Yes, I’m yelling that.)
What: Holidaze party. You will probably already be in a daze by then, so what’s one more party?
When: Sunday, December 21st from ~1pm-7pm. If you are having a mandatory shut down the week after we can discuss staying later and drinking more seriously.
Where: Our house. Duh. (If you don’t know where we live let me know and I’ll send you the address.)
Why: Because parties are fun. I will be free of all school obligations and feeling celebratory. Because I will have cookies and cinnamon rolls and brownies and crumbles and all sorts of other stuff for folks to eat. [I will have gluten free stuff (I’ve already figured out what I’m doing), There will be dairy free stuff. And I’m going to try to have some diabetic friendly deserty something as well on principle. If you fall into one of these groups here is your social pressure to show up and appreciate my efforts. ]
Who: Lots of folks I like and Noah likes. Which includes you, so you should come.
Should I bring anything? Only if you want to. Things that would be the most appreciated would be food of the savory nature. Dear God don’t bring sweets. If you want to bring alcohol make sure it is really really nice alcohol. We got rid of all the cheap shit and we don’t have any desire to replace it.
Can I bring anyone? Of course your SO is invited. If you want to bring several of your friends please check with me first. This is a fairly large invite list and this is NOT A DHP. So please don’t post this to everyone you know. If it looks like only ten people are showing up I will probably say, “Sure–the more the merrier.” If it looks like 50+ people I will say, “Uhhh… well… uhhhhmmmm how strongly do you feel about them coming?” Mostly I just want to have a vague idea of how many people to prepare for at the event.
Will the party be kid friendly? I bloody well hope so because I have no where to hide my kid. I will point out that if you are the sort to have a mandatory shut down the next week and you want to hang out later drinking and you do something in the garage it would probably be fine.
Should I bring you a present? I love presents! I love presents so much that here is a link to my wishlist. But no, you don’t have to bring me a present. Or Noah. Or even Shanna.
Sorry, we’ll be in Europe, so no holidazin’ for us.
Well, you need to come over before then and get your present then.
I’ll be there and will try to bring and too.
And, I think, Chris.