Yup, still hate dogs.

My mom is here. She informed me yesterday that she intends to stay with us till Friday. Last I heard before that she was going to stay here on Wednesday night and leave on Thursday, so this is a surprise. Honestly it wouldn’t so bad if she didn’t have a six month old Chihuahua who keeps SHITTING ON MY FLOOR. Have I mentioned that I have a baby who is right on the verge of learning to crawl who plays all day on the floor? Yeah. Fucking awesome.

21 thoughts on “Yup, still hate dogs.

        1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

          Then I won’t see her at all this visit because she doesn’t have a car. My sister works all day and I’m not allowed to know where my sister lives.

          Not to mention that I’m not really interested in driving her back and forth between here and south San Jose.

  1. ex_loren_q

    Oh, that’s just rude. Did you know chihuahua’s were originally bred for food? Sort of Aztec game hen.

    Can you keep the dog somewhere confined so the shit isn’t everywhere?

    1. japlady

      I think thats generally true for a lot of the small dogs, I remember I was dating a Korean guy and he and his siblings found a really cute stray terrior and wanted to keep him. The father said, “ok, but if you guys don’t take care of him, I”m eating him.”
      And I was like, “he’s joking right?”
      “nope, dog is one of his favorite foods and he misses eating it”

    1. angelbob

      Sadly, it’s very cold out right now, and the dog just sits and whines at the back door. That’s *also* very annoying. On the plus side, one of the large, mean neighborhood cats might eviscerate him, but I’m not quite that optimistic.

      1. Anonymous

        Is the dog crate trained? A crate for a small dog can be had for around $30. Little short-haired dogs actually appreciate them in this weather for the warmth — Bo spends a lot of his time in his just for comfort. And they won’t shit in their “den.”

  2. essaying

    Is the dog crate trained? A small dog crate can be had for about $30. A crate-trained dog regards the crate as its “den,” and won’t shit in it… and in this cold weather, small dogs appreciate having someplace cozy to curl up.


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