18 thoughts on “Fuck.

  1. rose42dance


    Sorry to hear this!
    You can attempt again, yes?
    Is it a class, a test, or something else which you are referring to?

    Mostly I’m commenting because I care and I know you’ll pull through this. I can also be available for telephone venting.

  2. baileythorne

    That sucks!

    Once more, into the fire…

    Take a deep breath, put it on hold for the holidays, then plot, plan, study, and do it again. And again damnit, until you pass. Because you can. You absolutely can.

  3. i_am_dsh

    That sucks.
    Lots of people gave you concrete suggestions… I hope you’ll look at them when you’re ready.

    OT – from out of nowhere last night, Kidlet started saying something that coalesced into “Baby Shanna.” It was so cute…

  4. vsherbie

    Oh God…

    I’m sorry honey, I know what a blow to the gut that is.

    Study hard for the retake, and show those stupid graders what a brilliant woman you are!


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