A long-time friend unfriended me recently so I wondered what I had posted that was so awful. After reviewing my recent entries I have come to the conclusion that it probably had nothing to do with what I am posting.
I did notice that I post about negative stuff a lot. That’s lame because I am generally in a good mood and my life is good. I’m not sure why it is easier to bitch and whine.
I spend a lot of my time reading (books I want to read- yay!), putzing around doing chores and errands, and caring for Shanna. I am finding that because most of my life is just so nifty that I feel extra frustrated when I feel frustrated at all. That seems odd to me.
I’m really enjoying being a homebody. I get out to socialize one or two times a week and I run errands usually one day a week. I double up on socializing and errands sometimes when Miss Laura wants to see me.
Next week I have finals for Spanish. I am going to start baking on Thursday. I’m pretty excited.
I love hearing about what is going on with you…it doesn’t matter if it is a vent or something that you are happy about…whatever it is, it is your truth and hey, those whop are “happy” and “positive” all of the time are kind of creepy…or hiding something in my opinion…lol!
It isn’t that I think I should stop venting–this is my journal.
But if that is all I am posting I am not presenting my life very accurately because it’s really awesome. 
my guess would be that you post the negative stuff ’cause your negative headspace is introspective and you write to process. And your happy energy is more kinetic so you take it out into the world and, you know, play with your daughter and flirt with your husband and -do- things
Good assessment.
I’ve unfriended (or failed to friend) people whose LJs were pretty much full of negativity, especially when I’m having a tough time, and don’t want to deal with other people’s stuff.