Looking up

This morning I had a couple of reasons to feel morose. One was the comp exam and the second was personal enough that I am not going to explicitly state it on livejournal. ooooh cryptic

I went and saw a prof at SJSU about the comp exam. He told me that I barely failed and it was because I was too general. He said it is pretty obvious that I know the material and what I should do to prep for the next time is do more practice runs of timed writing trials to push myself into better form for such excursions. I can do that. No more reading? No more reading!! (Although I will probably do some more reading.) And the poetry section was my strongest essay. How is that for funny?

The second thing that made me morose has been a bit of a roller coaster ride for the past couple of weeks. Things on that front are now to a level that I feel good about. *phew*

Oh, and I got a B+ on my last Spanish test and she gave us most of the questions for the final in class tonight and we did them as a group. Things are looking way the heck up tonight.

9 thoughts on “Looking up

  1. ribbin

    Yay! That’s great news about the comp exam! BTW- if you wanna do more studying, I work as a writing tutor at Sac State and am racking up large amounts of experience with helping people tighten essays. Not to say you can’t write (hell, if you barely missed it, you’re probably way ahead of me!), but sometimes a second pair of eyes helps.

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      I would actually appreciate help, but the problem is that I need help in a fairly specific structure and I’m not sure you can give me that. What I need is several “sit down and write three essays in three hours then go over them” sessions and I don’t know how to arrange for that given child care issues and distance.


      1. ribbin

        That makes sense. Well, maybe some weekend or so after finals when I’m down in the Bay we can work something out? Say, you start at 10, and I show up at 1 or something.

        But not ’till after Finals:P


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