You know how sometimes when you poop you can tell exactly what you had to eat? By that metric, Shanna’s first food was Great Fir.
And it seems that her first favorite food is banana. She’s still not that thrilled with broccoli or avocado, but she’s starting to lurch for banana. And she’s chewing! It’s very cute to watch. Still no sign of teeth. I’m probably grateful given that she’s still my little booby-monster.
And right now I am alone in my house. I’m not sure what to do with myself. Hm. On one hand I feel like I should go do chores. On the other hand–this is the first hour I have been alone in my house in over six months, screw chores.
have you tried cooked banana? Apparently it was one of my favorites… still is actually
to be followed by cooked apple
Kai loved eating all sorts of things out of a mesh bag with a handle thing, like this:
It was great for squishy fruits and vegetables. He enjoyed being able to feed himself more than sitting and being fed.
It was also useful for the teething desire to chew on something. Though for teething he liked the toddler toothbrush I gave him to chew on best.
We aren’t ‘feeding’ her with a spoon. We give her chunks off of our finger because at this point her eating is limited to 2-3 bites. We have some of the mesh bags but she isn’t really interested in eating a lot yet so I feel like they would be a lot of work for very little result. I plan to use them once she is interested in more quantity of food.
I need to call you about coming over for the next round of baby clothes. My term ends on Wednesday and I will have no ongoing obligations after that.
Maybe you just need to check her ears for pine needles. Haha.
The thing that *really* bothers me about her ears is the fact that she scratches herself in her ear and then she has these pools of blood that make me feel like a terrible mother.
It’s really hard to keep her nails short enough.