One more time…

I feel like a broken record but such is life. Unless I specifically ask for advice I am not looking to receive any. I am not the sweetest person when people offer me advice. I recognize this and I’m ok with it. If you don’t like my response to you when you give me advice might I suggest that you stop giving me advice. My response is unlikely to change and you are going to spend a lot of time feeling frustrated with me because I am not polite. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Think about that. (Ok, I don’t know if that is actually the definition… but it’s a really awesome pithy saying.)

2 thoughts on “One more time…

  1. mackelzinzie

    its the 12 step definition. I don’t know what the actual definition, but usually in a drug rehab center, dictionarys are sparse, so people seem to take it on faith that that is the definition.

    Oh! I have a dictionary. Apparently it is “a state of mind which prevents normeal perception, behavior, or social interaction.” But thats a really not very useful definition, I like the 12 step one better.


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