So I’m in a funk today. I’m lonely and bored. It’s interesting to realize that. I think it is because of how much time I have been spending alone at home doing baking. I really am an extrovert. I need to try and make more plans with people in the upcoming time. It’s hard making plans with people because 9/10 times involve me having to drive somewhere, often taking up a lot of time. I also find that most people want to invite me to parties because that’s what they do with their time. I get the efficiency of parties–you get to see lots of people at once. Lately parties really kind of suck for me. I don’t enjoy them and that’s not anyone’s fault. So I’m skipping parties and feeling even more lonely and isolated. I need to try harder to get in touch with people. It’s just hard because I feel like I’m initiating the contact with most everyone and that feels hard. I’m not the bell of any ball anymore and it’s a hard come down. A friend recently posted that she knows that she has finally completely left the “cute young thing” group at 33 and I wanted to wistfully tell her that it must have been nice to have it last so long. I left it a while ago. Waaaaaa waaaaa waaaaa. [insert pity party]
I know that this stage will pass. It’s just kind of annoying.
Why worry about being that “cute young thing” when you can be a MILF instead?
I’m so not into younger people.
you make me laugh so much…
to some, you *are* the younger person!
But I thought that cougar implied older, aggressive woman and younger man?
i was just pointing out that
“old” and “undesirable” can be mutually exclusive.
Yup. And I’ve always liked it that way.
*nods* I’ve generally preferred younger men, typically between 5-10 years younger. I have been attracted to older men on occasion, but it’s less common. With women, it doesn’t seem to be age as much as how well they kiss.
i’m unsure how much age interferes with my judgment…
it’s more like if they’ve take of themselves
and can still laugh
and still have that “sparkle”
than anything else.
firm, young flesh does hold a certain appeal.
MILF’s don’t seem to get much attention. Enh. Such is the normal order of things.
Oh darling. I don’t know whether to commiserate with you, or ask you to trade lives with me for a week. I feel the same way about parties – they are efficient, but I never really get a chance to bond with anyone at a party because everyone wants a piece of me. I’m lucky in that a number of people want to visit me right now, but my house is such a mess that I don’t feel comfortable having folks over, and things have been so frantic that I haven’t even MADE any cookies this year.
I really wish that an equal number of folks who want to visit me, visit you instead. And in return, I’d gladly take a bit of your alone time with cookies – I desperately need some.
If we traded lives for a week you might lose your job cause I don’t know shit about the kind of computer stuff you do.
And my isolation involves caring for a 7 month old. It’s not as “alone without responsibilities” as you like.
Should I mail you cookies? I have way the freak too many.