It’s time to start planning.

We leave for New Zealand in five weeks and three days. I’m just starting to delve into guide books and it’s really neat. I found a neat one that gives the history of the country and it’s neat. Someone in New Zealand invented jogging: random, and neat. The place where we are staying is the area of the most geothermal activity as well as being the center of Maori culture. Yay!

I’m already starting to think about packing lists. 🙂

14 thoughts on “It’s time to start planning.

    1. angelbob

      We’ve got two travel guides at the moment — Fodor’s SeeIt and LonelyPlanet. I quite liked the LonelyPlanet and didn’t look through much of the Fodor’s. Krissy liked Fodor’s in the store, but hadn’t read much LonelyPlanet then. I don’t know what her current relative opinion of them is, but I liked LonelyPlanet.

  1. ayem_willing

    New Zealand = Awesome!!!

    North island or South island? “the most geothermal activity” leads me to believe around Rotorua (North Island), but I thought (and could be wrong) the center of Maori culture was on the South Island. I visited in November and It was an absolutely wonderful experience. The Ozone is thinner there so please pack or pick up sunscreen (spf30 or better as I don’t recall you to be the “tanable” type). 😉 If you will be in the Christchurch or Hamilton areas let me know as I could give you a local contact or two. I must admit I’m a bit jealous your going cause I’d love to be going back. Have loads of fun and safe travels.

    ps, I am going to send you that picture, I promise. 🙂

    1. angelbob

      Re: New Zealand = Awesome!!!

      Yup, near Rotorua. We’ve heard about the ozone thing, and plan to pack a lot of sunscreen — we’re both very fair and burn easily :-/

        1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

          Re: New Zealand = Awesome!!!

          We want to Zorb! 🙂 The Agrodome is on the list so far. We plan to do a fair bit of walking seeing all the perty. 🙂

          Oh–we have an extra bedroom. 🙂

  2. aargnzarf

    Unrelated, but hopefully useful:

    I just added a pile of small person clothes to the bag for you. The bag actually spilled over into a second. I will probably have a few more things to add when all the laundry is done.

    Let me know if you are going to be in the area before your trip and I can pass the kinder-clothes off to you.

    BTW… we are upstairs in #9 now. :]

    Hope your trip is fantastic!


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