How did we meet? Whether we are very close friends or very casual acquaintances–what is your memory of us meeting? I will count first impression from g-blog because that’s a lot of you.
How did we meet? Whether we are very close friends or very casual acquaintances–what is your memory of us meeting? I will count first impression from g-blog because that’s a lot of you.
I have the advantage of a memorable first contact. Showing up at the same ceilidh and nodding at one another isn’t the same as being approached in the frozen foods section by an attractive stranger who wants to invite me to a local ‘alternative lifestyle’ gathering.
When I recall it, though, I embellish it considerably.
It really was an awesome way to meet. You were wearing a Good Vibes shirt–it makes you stick out in a crowd.
Movie Night went to Beppo’s. I think I may have seen you before that, but I was having some trouble keeping the social changes around Movie Night straight in my head at the time, so it didn’t stick. You expressed opinions that were different from some of the group’s commonly agreed-on ones, which was impressive for a newcomer in that social group, as it manages without trying to be both more assertive and more intellectually intimidating than most.
I first remember you quietly knitting at the table at Movie Night. It took a while before I ever saw you talk.
TNG Con meeting…. not knowing what i was getting myself into at all…..
And boy howdy was I glad you came.
LOL the two sane planner people….
Castlebar party
You were wearing a T-Shirt that said “If I’m still wearing this shirt, you’re not doing your job!” I walked up to you and said something like “Take off the shirt.” and you replied “And who the fuck are you?”
Re: Castlebar party
That stupid shirt got me in so much trouble.
I really wanted to be outgoing enough for that shirt but I wasn’t.
It was at Castlebar. I was there with Marcie, and it was maybe my second or third party in the scene, ever. You came into the social area, hopping, because you were bound from shoulder to calf in rope–completely wound up, you might say. You were all of 18, I think. Funny, mouthy, bouncy.
I liked it when Tom did that. It’s an easy way to be the center of attention.
ha. I might have been 18, but I was probably 19 by the time I met you.
must have been via
I don’t remember the first time I met you, but it must have been via Tom. And I think you were 18 or not far past that.
I remember when you *really* stuck on my radar: when we discussed body sizes for a bondage demo the Janus was hosting. It was an antagonistic discussion.
And that is why I marvel at where our friendship has gone. You are probably the only person in my life that I’ve felt real dislike for that changed to serious respect over time.
Re: must have been via
Amusingly, that seems to happen with me often.
I just don’t leave good first impressions…
palo alto munch
It was the 2nd or 3rd time I went. The first thing I remember thinking is “great hair”.
The next thing was watching you cut AB to shreds. He was being a smart ass (like that’s new) and you put him in his place.
Re: palo alto munch
He’s really changed a lot recently. You would probably enjoy having dinner with him and catching up. I’m impressed by how much he has grown up.
Disaster House Party. I remember the shoes and the dress and the cute girl. But we never talked beyond group party chitchat until there was an LJ’splosion and we had reason to talk.
The first really clear memory I have of you is at a DHP and you were wearing very interesting shoes. I think we had only sort of talked before that but I was impressed with your fun-ness increasing.
LGHS theater. Not saying anything else
But the anything else was fun!
You were going to attend a dance with ailurodragon and I did your lovely lovely hair.
You were the first person to ever do my hair in a really fancy way. Hey wait… you are the only person who ever has.
I appreciate that when you braid my hair I feel like I am getting special attention. It’s very personal feeling.
One of the reasons I love doing your hair (aside from the way fun curls) is because you value it more than some.
My first memory of you is you standing on or near the stairs at the Observatory, probably during an S&P. Remember distinctly thinking “she seems neat, but not so interested in talking to me.” There is a distinct air of “ooohh, hot” around the memory, too.
I have a hard time talking to new people in groups. I’m strangely shy.
We met through OkCupid. The first time we met in person, I came over to help you grade papers, then ended up cuddling on your couch. You had just broken up with someone, I think, and you turned down any real sexual contact for reasons relating to that.
Man was I grateful for the help in grading papers.
Yeah, I was still reeling from Puppy dumping me. I’m so glad he did though. 
It was your birthday (21?) at the screening of “Secretary”. You stood in a theatre full of pervs to get birthday acknowledgment. (With Tom?)
Although, I guess we didn’t meet then…Not sure when we did. Prolly at a munch.
The first time I remember talking to you was at Paul R’s birthday party at a Thai restaurant. You were very nice to me and it made me happy.
It might not have been the first time we met, but I remember having an impassioned conversation about the importance of ‘no’ and safewords in a dungeon. I was filled with a comforting kind of joy and my first thought was ‘Wow…I want to be more like her.”
Via Tom, I think at a house party up here. That’s the first time I can remember meeting you for sure. You were wearing shinyshiny stuff and we talked about doing knifeplay. I can’t remember if we ended up doing any. I honestly can’t remember how we ended up staying in contact, esp after you and Tom broke up, just glad that we did.
Mostly we just run into each other when I head North and I’ve never started avoiding you on those trips.
We didn’t play the first time we met. It took till I think the third meeting or so before we played. I had to get over being stupid and insecure because you had played with Tom in the past.
Movie night, we decided to work out together
I need a new workout partner.
black sheets. riding crop
And you almost didn’t get a first date. I wasn’t so sure about you. Then I was really glad that I did date you.
We did not meet at Power Exchange. (Rollie can rest easy.)
Confidentiality agreements prevent me from providing more details, even though I’m not a member of that organization any more.
I’m not a member anymore either.
Was that the first time we met? I get confused because a bunch of things happened in a short period. I know I saw you at Jenny’s 21st birthday party.
That’s what you told me after Rollie asked. I’m pretty sure that was before Jenny’s party. It’s possible there was a munch earlier, but I don’t know for sure.
it took a while for us to get to know each other, because there was a lot of posturing and ego floating around those gatherings. I’m glad I’ve gotten to know you.
Did you ever find out that I tried to get Alex to stop dating you because I thought you were a bitch? Yeah… I’ve since changed my opinion of you quite a bit.
You are actually one of the people I think of when I try to not dislike people based on a first impression. I get things very wrong on first glance sometimes.
no, I didn’t know that.

i can’t recall.
we didn’t grow up together, did we?
Probably not cause you are ollllllllllllllllllllllllld.