What are your favorite names for boys and girls? I’m not pregnant, I’m just curious. Feel free to state several for either gender.
What are your favorite names for boys and girls? I’m not pregnant, I’m just curious. Feel free to state several for either gender.
(Oh wait, that one’s been taken…)
Yay! I pleased you!
Hannes (HAH-ness). It’s short for Johannes, the German variant on Latin Iohanus (John). Don’t ask me why, I just like it.
I really wish our society opted for what native americans used to do, wait till the kid gets old enough to exhibit personality traits, and then pick the name that suits them
its how I name my cats
“And that’s how you got your name, young Poops-Like-A-Champ-And-Squeaks-Loudly.”
there’s this joke, the punchline of which is:
“And why do you ask, Two Dogs Fucking?”
Yup. A classic!
That’s one of the reasons my mother gave me a long name, so I could pick the nickname that suited me.
That’s one of my favorite names, too.
Personally, I like Lucy a lot as well.
I’m a traditionalist. Specifically a Western culture, mainstream America traditionalist. So for girls: Rachel, Rebecca, Elizabeth, Jennifer, Michelle are all up there. For boys: Jacob, Michael and, well, David, but I wouldn’t want a son of mine to be a Junior, so not that so much.
Naturally I am drawn to Jenna (what I named my daughter) and Louis (my son)
I also like
With the exception of Michael (spelled Mikol, Louie’s middle name) I don’t think I would name my kids any of them.
I just really like the sound of the names.
I like the place names:
Kessaria (my mom’s name)
Niki (its part of that temple in greece)
its part of why Shanna’s name amuses me
Oh, and my uncle’s name is Carmel (Mt Carmel which is right next to Hiafa) and it was where he was born
Hannah, Elizabeth (good thing, as it’s the family name), Maxine, Geneva, Noa, Heather…
Bryan (no, really. for years and years), Benjamin, Reece, Matthew, Alan…
Probably lots more, but those come to mind right away.
after the mermaid character in the movie “Splash”, but works for a boy or a girl.
Pretty much anything not listed here.
Some names which we ruled out for Kidlet (before we knew her sex), but I like anyway:
Maria Claudia (I talked my parents out of naming my baby sister that. I now regret doing so.)
Well, Miles and Ben, obviously.
Beyond those: for boys, I like Eli, Jeff, and Peter (although I’d have qualms about naming a kid that — I’m the daughter of a man named Dick Hardy and I’m careful about such matters); I also have a lingering fondness for Henry/Hank. For girls, Eleanor, Emma, Pilar. I have a horror of girls’ names that sound diminutive, like those that end in -y, -i, -ie, -ee.
If Miles had been a girl, he’d have been Lee Hardy Taber (I don’t guess Lee falls under the -ee rule); if Ben had been a girl, he’d have been Emma Jean Taber.
from Debs
Me too! about the girls names. I actually want to name my hypothetical daughters’ something that doesn’t end in an “ah” or an “ee” sound. Miranda, Debbie, for example.
My favorites for a girl is Madison and Cameron. I see at least two others have picked Madison already! I also think I would have picked Elizabeth for myself, if I hadn’t’ve picked Debbie, both of which I like for the many different spellings.
When I was younger and imagined a menagerie of kids, I liked plants and nature type names and imagined a forest family: Woody, Willow, Sunny, Heather, gah… I can’t remember what they actually were.
I’ve always liked the names Johnathan, Michael and Christopher. For the 30 seconds I considered having kids, I came up with Johnathan Evan Edward P. and Catherine Celia Connor P. for names. Each set has family names from both my and my ex’s family, and at least one original name (not found in either family). I don’t know why I picked two middle names for each of them – neither me nor my ex have families given to such, but it did make for awesome initials.
Claire. Charlie. Obviously Dan and Ian.
Madison. Emma. Emily. Claudia.
Michael (but not Mike or Mikey)
Baby Names