1. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me” or something of an equally pithy nature.
2. I will respond by asking you 5 questions of a very personal nature. Be warned!
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions, or there will be trouble.
4. You will include this and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them 5 questions.
I will promise questions to the first 5 people; after that, it will depend on my interest/energy/etc. I will also promise answers to the first five people who want to ask me questions.
1. How did you meet your charming husband?
At a party at his house. I came to the party as boy A’s date hoping to also flirt with boy B and ended up in the kitchen at one point pinned between boy B and the lovely host. Boy A was less than thrilled. Luckily he does still like me and is a good friend.
2. What minor superpower would you love to have?
Hey–I make milk, that is a superpower. I’m not sure if this counts as minor, but I would love to fly. I fly in my dreams nearly constantly.
3. What aspect of yourself do you feel others really misunderstand?
People think I am far more hostile than I intend to be. My tone of voice often really sucks and I have worked very hard on that. I find that people often tell me, “When I first met you I thought you were a total bitch, but then I got to know you and figured out that you are actually a really neat person.” That always makes me cringe because who likes being told that they make terrible first impressions all the time? How many people haven’t bothered to try and get to know me because of first impressions *sigh*
4. What one aspect of motherhood has most surprised you?
I may get a shoe thrown at me for this. I thought it would be harder. I expected to have post-partum depression and instead my mood has been better/more positive than ever in my life. I thought I would feel more resentment about her constant neediness but I’ve had probably an hour total of her life where I needed a break or else. I thought breastfeeding was going to be difficult and it was simple and painless. I thought I was going to be sleep deprived and cranky and I tend to sleep better than I did before having her. I feel like my mommying instincts have totally worked out for me and I’m grateful.
5. How did you get onto the Internet?
Ha! That would be the lovely Ms aargnzarf allowing me to use her AOL account when we were in high school. I discovered cyber sex in chat rooms and I was hooked. *grin*
I’ll bite. Please ask me five questions of a personal nature that I might share with the rest of LJ-Space. Okay, not much with the pithy.
Good thing that being that cute makes up for pithiness.
1. Do you feel kinship with the crusty old men characters you write?
2. What was your favorite book in elementary school?
3. When have you been the happiest while traveling?
4. What qualities in a person (male or female) help you feel most comfortable with them?
5. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
I typically avoid these…
But I’m feeling up to the task of asking 25 personal questions of others…so I’ll bite.
Re: I typically avoid these…
1. If you could go back to one event/period in your life and live it over again–without changing anything–what event/period would that be?
2. Where do you feel that you have benefited from ‘privilege’ in your life. This could be racial, gender, being tall…
3. If you got to live anywhere in the world without worrying about rent, where would it be?
4. What is the most inconvenient part of having food restrictions?
5. If your life was made into a movie, what song would be the theme song?
Ok, I’ll bite. Inteview me.
Ok Daddy:
1. What do you remember most fondly about your college experience?
2. You have traveled to a lot of amazing places for work–where would you most like to go back to?
3. What hair color do you like the best and why? (Natural or non-natural, on you or on someone else.)
4. What movie do you wish you could be in? Not as an actor, but more like an adventure away from your life.
5. What is the most memorable argument you have ever been in on the internet?
I’m in. Although, I’ll be happy to withdraw my request if you prefer.
Why would I prefer that?
I also don’t mind if you answer at gyreworks because I read both blogs.
I’m not sure if you have a preference.
1. Do you believe that your art is something that you do for you or something that you do for the world?
2. If you had to choose between living in one city (not necessarily the city you live in now) and never being able to travel again or traveling for the rest of your life without staying in one place longer than a month, which would you choose? If you pick one city–which one?
3. If River decided to rebel against you, what could he do that you would dislike the most?
4. Why do you feel guilty about not blogging more?
5. What do you wish you could change about your living space?
well, you have mentioned some significant reservations about me in the past, and it’s not entirely clear to me whether you sort of vaguely wish I would just fuck off and leave you alone, a sentiment with which I am generally sympathetic…so I feel a little bad about signing up for a meme where you’re pretty much required to respond to whoever posts first — thus, the offer to retract my request.
but, thanks for the questions! I will go answer them now.
Oh wow have I given you the wrong impression. I think you sound like a really neat/interesting person. One of the things that I regret the most about not moving to Pittsburgh yet is that I would like to get to know you.
I’m really sorry I have given you such a bad impression.
I think that my curiosity about you has been expressed poorly. I will try and rectify that.
I’m in, if you’re so inclined (Though I’ll probably have to limit myself to three instead of your five).
Hey, you have a busier life.
1. What helps you feel safest?
2. How old were you when you realized your intense fascination with breasts?
3. What movie was your favorite to watch over and over when you were little?
4. What do you wish you could have in your life while knowing it would be a bad thing?
5. Who is the person you feel most comfortable saying anything to?
yes, please.
1. Why are you so into penguins?
2. What would an absolutely *perfect* day look like in your world?
3. What are you most bitter about at this point?
4. If you got to pass a law, state/federal/global, what would it be?
5. What item of clothing makes you happiest?
In Soviet Russia, your own joke comes up with you.
In other words, interview me.
1. Why do you have to argue about everything?
2. What decisions in the past 2-3 years do you wish you could change?
3. Why in the h-e-double hockey sticks do you believe socks under fishnets are sexy!?
4. What argument can you *never* walk away from, even though arguing with someone will cause you problems?
5. What do you think of recreational drugs?
Great answers! May I have some questions, please?
1. What were your earliest writing efforts like?
2. How hard was it to say that you could no longer live with people?
3. If you had lots of money to donate, where would it go and why?
4. Do you think your life has been made more complicated by polyamory or by being bisexual?
5. What do you really like, but you are kind of embarrassed to admit it?
If you’re up to it, I’m interested. Though I’d likely answer your questions here or in email, rather than reposting to my own LJ.
Answer where you want to.
1. Do you ever feel weird about being a Kid given that you work with children?
2. How are you actually doing with processing about your mom?
3. Do you think you will ever be able to live with your boyfriend given the complications?
4. What scent do you find the most compelling and why?
5. Do you love living in Portland or have you just kind of ended up there?
1. Almost never. The worlds almost never collide in inappropriate ways. (I can’t think of a single one, but I’ll hedge all the same) The closest it’s gotten is when I want to play instead of work around my kids. Even if my Daddy is around (like when we’re out in public or hanging out with a friend who has a biokid), it’s never been a problem for me. And the handful of my friends who have biokids that I actually get to spend time with have so far never expressed any concern about me being a Kid around their kids.
2. I’m actually fine. I’d been dealing with not having her around for several years when she moved to OK for school, after having her nearly immediately available to me my entire life previous to that. I also suspect parts of the processing haven’t hit yet. Mostly, I’m relieved that a) we aren’t waiting anymore, and b) she isn’t in pain or discomfort anymore.
3. I do. No idea when, but I do think it’ll happen eventually.
4. Compelling… I’m driven to action by the smell of fresh bread and fresh-cut lemons (to eat and to cook/fix meals). I’m furthered in action by the smell of dirt and new barkdust (once I’ve started digging things up, the smell urges me on). I’m put to old memories by the smell of Bandaids© and plastic diapers fresh out of the package, and gasoline and motor oil in sheds and garages.
5. I love it. I started out in Portland because I Ended Up Here (my family moved here when I was 14). But I’ve stayed because I’ve never had a better offer – nothing’s beat Portland yet for me.
Realizing that you’re already well past your obligatory five, I’ll put in a request which you may honor or not as your time, energy, and interest allow. I’ve completed the Masters, (and am now back from my business odyssey), so I kinda almost have a life back, and could devote some time/thought to answers. It’s the “very personal nature” part that has me a little worried.
Isn’t freedom wonderful?
1. You’ve pursued a fairly particular career path for a long time. In your heart of hearts, what do you wish you had done instead?
2. What was the hardest part about growing up in a religious home?
3. What are you happiest about having done with your children?
4. Do you think you will ever stop teaching for the community?
5. If you got to decide everything you did for a month without worrying about “obligations” what would you do? (A month is a long time…)
OK, after much thought, my answers are posted in my journal.