When I got back to CA I had a message on my phone. It turns out my therapist died of an overdose while I was gone. This is the second death by that method of someone I was close to in just over a year. I’m feeling very conflicted and confused and unsettled. I knew she was cracking up when I stopped seeing her. I said snarky things about her cracking up. I was pretty sure she was on drugs. But now I feel terrible that I didn’t do something to try and help her because she was pretty clearly asking me for help–the whole taking over my therapy sessions to talk about her bit was obvious. I really liked her, both as a professional and as a person. I haven’t called the person who left me the message because I’m kind of freaked out.
My mom always said that deaths go in threes. I’m really afraid of who will be the third overdose.
That is a very sad and troubling thing.
I am sorry that this was the path her life took.
If it happens you want or need to talk about it my info is the same.
*big hug*
thats… really freaky.
I don’t tend to find they come in 3’s… In life most things DO seem to come in 3’s, just not death.
To my experience that seems to come in 2’s at most
I trying to imagine what that might feel like for you; I had something vaguely similar happen to me (12-step sponsor) a long time ago, but by the time he OD’d I hadn’t seen him for three years.