This is not going to be long or in any particular order. I am just feeling bad about not writing anything so here is a brief dump.
I liked the apartment we stayed in and the tremendous amount of time I got to spend with Noah. I had a rocky adjustment because all the travel, sleep dep, and weird eating habits made me pretty cranky. Noah pointed out that I was being a butt and I calmed down. It’s nice to communicate.
Things we “did”: Zorbing (way fun), went on a farm tour at the Agrodome (it was cute but not all that enthralling), went out briefly to Waiheke Island (we don’t like the wine but the island is beautiful), went to a blueberry winery (bought a bunch of TASTY food stuffs), went to the glow worm caves (they are really glow maggots! how cool is that?!), went to the Polynesian Spa (mmmm mud), and ate a lot of tasty food. Oh, and visited a buried Maori village and went to a Hangi (it’s a dinner/entertainment thing).
I am convinced that New Zealand has some of the best food in the world. Everything we ate was at least better than expected. The crappy cafeteria style food was still decent. The decent food was really good. The really good food was amazing. We found a Tunisian restaurant that we loved to death. The other folks we spent time with weren’t as impressed but what do they know? In general we loved the food (OH MY GOD the best gelato I’ve ever had was in Auckland) but didn’t like the alcohol. Such is life.
We had a great time. We liked the people. We liked the country. It was certainly awesome enough to make us consider moving there.
Oh, and if you somehow managed to miss it: Some favorite pictures behind cut:
From New Zealand |
From New Zealand |
From New Zealand |
From New Zealand |
From New Zealand |
From New Zealand |
I actually looked into moving there a few years ago. I rather suspect I’d love it.
sounds like fun! i wasn’t in nz for long, but i really loved the glow worm caves. i didn’t really have the time or budget to eat too much awesome food, but in general i would agree that it was good, except for the ketchup, or, as it is known there, “tomato sauce”. actually, i guess it was fine for tomato sauce, but i’m kinda addicted to ketchup and was shocked and appalled that they will serve the same kinds of food you get here, like a burger and fries, with this so-called tomato sauce instead of ketchup. really, though, that was my only complaint about new zealand. glad you had a nice trip!