Next Saturday we pick up our first CSA box. I’m pretty excited. I’m also trying to figure out how to get in on the Co-op for Organic Pastures which sells raw milk/cream/butter and beef. I’ve bought some of it from Whole Foods and the taste is so significantly better that I’m pretty shocked. I didn’t believe that I would notice or care. I’m not likely to go completely raw for all foods, but I’m impressed by the benefits of raw milk. Noah is at least mildly lactose intolerant so I think that the switch is certainly worthwhile for him. We’ve mostly moved to eating whole grain bread (but the potato bread is SO GOOD we get it sometimes anyway). Whole wheat pasta and brown rice are our standards at this point. We are getting organic/not from concentrate juices cause they taste better. The guy at Whole Foods talked me into trying the Omega 3 eggs. They are pretty good. At the very least we like the eggs from the farmers market. I don’t like the generic Safeway eggs anymore. This is all making me much more sensitive to the overpowering taste of most processed foods. They are pretty jarring. Sometimes that is fun, but sometimes it is just too much.
I find all of this kind of funny. How did I become this person?
This post makes my food icon a little more funny. Cause I tried it Sam-I-am and I liked it.
Once you get used to raw milk, the pastuerized/homogenized stuff tastes icky – kind of flat and cooked.
*nod* My mom, who grew up with milk from her grandmother’s cows, always said that the pasturized/homogenized stuff tasted watery and unpleasant.
I’ve only had raw milk a time or two, but just don’t drink much anymore except in my tea and coffee. Lots of yogurt instead. It tastes better and I’m getting tasty probiotics with my calcium fix.
I notice the differences more with my veggies, particularly the sulfurous goodies like onions and broccoli. Conventional broccoli vs organic vs farmer’s market stuff picked yesterday vs my garden–huge difference. C was skeptical until I made some back to back for him to try. :p
There are several brands of organic, lactose-free milk out there that I use. The lactose free stuff tastes slightly sweeter to me for some reason.
My mom drinks it.
Noah doesn’t drink much milk; I drink tons. I’m not real fond of the lactose free mik so this is a decent compromise for us. 
That makes sense. I like cold cereal for breakfast, and while milk isn’t normally a huge problem, more than 1/2 a cup or so can cause indigestion for me, especially on an empty stomach- which breakfast, by definition, is:P
Noah doesn’t seem to have indigestion. I can tell when he’s had a lot of milk products though.
Sorry about that…
wow. that is big.
Done now:)
have you tried the bariila high fiber +omega 3 pasta? I like it alot.