47 thoughts on “Curiosity

  1. japlady

    The fact that some of the newer lean cuisines are much tastier than the old ones. Bless them for making my diet less painful

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      I still think it is funny that you collect cookbooks and then eat that crap. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to cook good food?

      1. japlady

        I’m perfectly able, in fact I’ve been told I’m a very good cook. But its not something I enjoy doing all that much and I just HATE cooking for one

        That and I get really bored eating the same things for a few meals in a row.

  2. satyrlovesong

    Oooh! My antibiotics are working, I’m making whole wheat apricot bread for afternoon snack, and my step-mother and I have been having a very pleasant email exchange. She’s always good company, but we don’t spend much time just she and I so it’s been particularly pleasant.

    I got to see friends on Saturday for an hour or so, people I really appreciate. I’m contemplating graduate school, but this time more seriously. I think I’ll get my Masters in Speech Pathology if I get laid off.

    Oh, and I get to do a firmware upgrade on Saturday. That may not sound like fun to most people, but it’s fun for me.

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      It’s always nice when antibiotics work. They often make me hurl and then are uhm less effective.

      Mmmm apricot bread sounds really tasty–was it?

      How did the visit go?

  3. essaying

    Bought a new dining table on Craigslist that I absolutely love. Watching the dogs tear after each other in big loops around their new yard. Seeing the rooms take shape, one by one. The way the sun comes streaming down after the rain and lights up all the droplets in the trees like Christmas lights. New birds that I’ve never seen or heard before. Feeling my clothes looser around my thighs…

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      It’s been really nice seeing how much you are enjoying the move. I’m terrified that if I get up the gumption to actually move I will instantly regret it as soon as I get somewhere else and then poison the move with my bad attitude. You are inspirational. 🙂

  4. voyeurprincess

    Your icon. 😀

    Also: having my back crunched by an acupressurist walking on me. Flirting with someone at work. Being called “pretty girl”. Finally folding laundry. Starting to cull my wardrobe. Saturday spent at home doing nothing but housework, messing around on the computer, and playing with my kitties. Finding a possible solo for the upcoming concert (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27f6lR6dY7E). Moroccan lamb stew, couscous, and roasted veggies from beautifull.com. William’s Song sung by the SFGMC (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4cqwwuQ0PY&feature=PlayList&p=876AEC65DD5D8EB6&index=9). Pr0n written by a friend. Singing with Bishop Yvette Flunder at the No on 8 rally Thursday morning. Talking straight talk to my soon-to-be new boss. (She wants me on her team!) Getting an internal code fix I’ve wanted for like a year and a half. Planning for IMsL. My father calling me to give me a heads-up about potential family conflict.

    This is a fabulous exercise; may I steal it for my own blog?

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      You have some awesome yay going on. 🙂 You can always feel free to steal any memeish sort of thing you see without asking. I’m terrible about responding to comments.

      And you should look at all of my icons. I’ve gotten a few good ones lately. 🙂

  5. writerpo

    I was assigned a creative writing class for the fall. I’m excited to be teaching something I really love, as opposed to something I kind of like.


    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      That is really exciting! I hope that your students don’t dull your love and enjoyment with their terrible attitudes. I did a lot more with creative writing than many at the high school level and it was pretty neat. You are going to have an easier time than I did because all of your students are choosing to be in creative writing. 🙂 I have a great picture book that shows you a picture and gives you one line from the ‘middle’ of the story with no other explanation. I found that the kids did really well responding to a visual prompt.

      Not that you need me to tell you what to do with your students. 🙂 But it is worth keeping in mind.

  6. fyfer

    There are California poppies blooming all along the road to work. Daffodils, too. And the leaves appeared on the trees while I wasn’t paying attention; I just noticed them today.

  7. gossipwhore224

    We went to the zoo on Saturday. It was a gorgeous day and i found myself enjoying the zoo, because my kiddo was so happy. We just felt like such a family. It was nice.

  8. vsherbie

    Austin has broken out in flowers everywhere
    I left my house without a jacket for the first time this season
    I’m about 3/4 done with the writing on my exam paper.
    I got to tell a student she got 100% on the last quiz and see her look of utter disbelief.
    I downloaded ‘s FNW set and it sounds like home.

  9. debbieann

    having dinner with S and Charles while looking across the moonlit water at the Sydney Opera House, it was just beautiful and the feelings between us all feel good and strong and happy.

    finding friends from 25 years ago and more on facebook and chatting with them

    painting ravens in a phone book for hours

  10. shalyndra

    We went out to Kentucky on a sleep deprived whim this Sunday morning to go see a reptile show. The whole thing felt like the trip out here all over again, and we came home with a pair of wonderful frogs and some silly ferns.

    Also this morning is the first time it has really looked and felt like spring- a new kind of spring that I had never seen before where everything looks like it is really waking up.

  11. i_am_dsh

    Kidlet saying new phrases – especially if it takes me some work to figure out what she’s saying.

    Last night, she said “snack bag”. This morning she said “Mommy having coffee.”

    I don’t know why I was so impressed – she says lots of more complicated things… but that’s usually repeating from a book or from Dora. These were something ordinary from real life.

  12. jasonwarlock

    Even tho I didn;t spend Saturday the way I planned. I had a wonderful weekend with my girl. I find doing things like cooking for her, or taking care of chores like laundry and dishes, or packing her things for our upcoming move to be calming and relaxing.

    I find pleasure in being the man who can do the small things that need to get done.

  13. wordweaverlynn

    Rain and sunshine.
    Gabriel wanting to be petted.
    Lovely snuggling with Saturday afternoon and Sunday night.
    My progress with Joomla and getting the new site together.
    Making a lunch date with an old friend who’s in town for a while.

  14. bldrnrpdx

    My monkey socks.
    The crocuses & irises in the yard, with hyacinths & tulips on the way.
    Showing off the engagement ring.
    More later.

  15. paulaandandrew

    A and I got to go hiking on Saturday. 5 miles in the Marin Headlands. First time I’ve been there despite all the long years living so close! The vies back to Sf were gorgeous.

    I am enjoying making necklaces.

    Many of the bulbs are flowering in my garden.

    Our sons are interesting people and seem to actually like us…

  16. cos

    Three days with .

    Meeting the Smithsonian Institution’s orchid master 🙂

    Seeing a bunch of friends who live in other states.

    Having a meal with , half of which each of us made.

    The usual joys of living with my housemates. And hearing them practice their musics.

  17. ribbin

    I went to a tiki bar on Friday night. As if that wasn’t enough, one of my drinks was garnished with a little, pink, see-through elephant!

  18. mitrian

    In no particular order…

    Snuggly kitties. Bad haiku. Bad haiku about snuggly kitties. Getting an A on my Philosophy of Teaching paper. Plum tree blossoms. Using zombies to teach Algebra. Asparagus. Spinning soy. Hugs. 🙂

  19. davetoo

    Right this moment: finding a treasure-trove of afropop on last.fm.
    Last weekend: lots of snugglies at a party with some old friends I hadn’t seen in a couple of years.

  20. aneska_

    Pretty fruit trees flowering on the side of the road. One was very dark pink. Working on my lace scarf/shawl with my pretty new yarn.

  21. Anonymous

    Forgiving someone who pissed me off royally a year ago and seeing that even though he was mean to me, it was just his humanity at work, and both having compassion for that and apologizing for holding onto it for so long. Things in the world are so royally sucky right now for so many people, that some things seem not worth holding onto… I forgive you. I forgive me too.

  22. karenbynight

    yesterday was too hard for happy, so I’m belated: trying out frying different foods with Bryan and Dennis, the blueberry bush is in bloom, waking up to find Calvin on my pillow.

  23. Anonymous

    from Debbie

    You’ll think I’m weird–

    I was a bit insanely happy all Monday because I realized have a strict teacher. You can ask my school mates who saw me that day and I was bouncing off walls. We started a new school term last Thursday and I had to miss Friday so Monday was one of the first days of learning and instruction. I discovered that my teacher was strict and wouldn’t tolerate crap in the classroom or in my homework and corrected very strictly as well. I was happy.


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