This week I used two chicken breasts, five sausages (of two different varieties), and ~nine strips of bacon in cooking. That’s it for the week. Wow. I had one meat sandwich. I’m feeling massive cravings right now for red meat.
(All of that meat was put into ~34 servings of food. I need to freeze the leftovers.) (And 34 servings sounds like a lot until you think about the fact that a person eats at least/around 21 meals/week and there are two of us here.)
I’ve finished off ~ 80% of the CSA box. Next week I need to make less pasta. It’s a big filler.
Whats with minimizing the meat intake?
Because it is not necessary to eat a ton of meat all the time.
Which CSA do you guys do? We do Eating with the seasons and i haven’t been fond of the food selection right now.
We use Live Earth Farm and love them!
I go through Full Belly Farm. They are the only one who has a delivery near me.