Want to eat!

I have recently heard about a few new-to-me restaurants that I want to go to.

http://essanaycafe.com is in Fremont and it sounds like a pretty interesting restaurant. The Prix Fixe menu in particular sounds really interesting.
http://www.pampaspaloalto.com/ is in Palo Alto and I really really really want to go here. I mean, meat. And more meat. And more meat. And the sides sound good too. πŸ™‚
http://tymefortea.com is also in Fremont. I think that a girly sort of outing is in order. *cough*JennyhasWednesdayoff*cough**cough*MarkletLauraborrowthecar*cough*

It would be awesome if people read this post as: β€œHey! Do any of these restaurants sound good to you? I would love to find people to go with!”

31 thoughts on β€œWant to eat!”

      1. dangerpudding

        After next weekend’s funeral-in-Louisville madness, it’s pretty open other than my weekly date with your daughter. I’m working from home MTWF and from the SF office on Thursdays. Weekends are very free.

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        1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

          I’m sort of wondering if attempting a trip post-comp exam would be good. For Saturday the 11th? Essanay most likely. πŸ™‚

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    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      And I’m really interested in the tea place for some reason. πŸ™‚

      Amusingly: they have a really awesome Mothers Day thing coming up. I almost wonder if I should schedule an outing for those of us who are largely mother-less.

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    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      Well, we could see what is possible in terms of carpooling if anyone else from down there is coming. Or, once the semester is over and you aren’t driving all the time, you could potentially come as far as our house and we could drive from here. My understanding is that you can come to our house at least occasionally? I fully understand that with going back and forth to IHS you are out of spoons though. πŸ™

      Reply ↓
    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      Excellent! And you have day-time available. πŸ™‚ Maybe if we went walking around Lake Elizabeth next week when you try out your spiffy new stroller we could mosey over to Niles afterwards. πŸ™‚

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  1. ihotpockets


    Next time I’m down that way, Pampas sounds great. I’m kind of intrigued why they have appetizers when the main course is unlimited meat and sides…

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    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      Maybe I could go with you on a Tues/Thurs sometime soonish. That way Noah will be gaming. If I went with both of you together you would geek at each other and piss me off. ;-P

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      1. evilcyber

        Oooh. Good call on the geeking.

        So, tonight is the concert that I thought was Saturday. (And as a result I’ve been running around trying to reshuffle things.)

        Next Thursday is my flight to London. (Which is the source of things being reshuffled.)

        So, how does next Tuesday, the 7th, sound?

        Reply ↓
        1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

          Hm. The 7th is busy. How about after you get back. πŸ™‚

          Oh, and Thursdays became better because Noah signed us up for Tango classes. πŸ™‚

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    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      I’m thinking about a celebratory trip to Essanay on Saturday the 11th after my comp exam. Would that maybe work for you?

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      1. princeofwands

        About 90% certain that Saturday works, esp in the afternoon. (Off chance is if my uncle doesn’t get into the research study he’s applied to for new treatment, then I’ll prolly be back east that weekend. But we’re fast running out of days for that eventuality.)

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