I made steal cut oats for breakfast. We had strawberries, walnuts, whole milk, and a little bit of brown sugar mixed in. It was fabulous.
Today was a cooking day. We have tri-tip prepared as well as chicken cooked with orange and pineapple and a little bit of rum. I boiled the rutabagas and potatoes and smashed them up together with a lot of butter and milk. I haven’t figured out what I am doing with the chard yet this week. hm. We still have asparagus and artichoke to cook but I figure those can wait a day or so.
Between cooking and cleaning house I don’t seem to find/make time to sew. This is very annoying. It doesn’t help that I feel like I really ought to be studying for the comp exam. Twelve more days.
Have I mentioned that I feel growing anxiety about this test? This is my last shot. If I fuck this up I’m just done. That’s kind of stressful.
I want to have an affair with my husband. I miss having that sort of intense interaction with him.
My daughter is getting more and more kid-like every day. I find her endlessly fascinating. And exasperating. Definitely exasperating. She is sleeping for shit these days and that’s feeling really hard.
I need to get off my ass and plan the birthday party. *sigh*
I managed to get off the acceptance letter to the roofer and the information for the estate lawyer. I met with someone (ironically–he’s my sister’s ex-boyfriend. the only boyfriend of hers that I have ever liked) today about putting solar panels on our roof. It’s looking very likely. That’s productivity. We are still waiting to hear back from the accountant. By this time next month we may well be many tens of thousands of dollars poorer.
My back hurts and I’m not getting enough exercise. There is simply not enough time in the day.
Any feminist who questions the worth of what I do with my time can kiss my lily-white-ass. Those of you who are working moms–how do you manage to sleep?! I don’t have enough time for all of my stuff and you all have to do what I do and work. Y’all must be crazy.
What comp exams are you studying for? That’s rad you are thinking of putting solar panels on your roof. I would love to do that, when we buy our next place (we live in a townhouse now, so it isn’t an option).
I’m getting a fancy jogger stroller this weekend. If you would like too, we could meet up and go walking. Harry will tolerate the stroller for about an hour or so. Just a thought.
ITA with your statement on working moms.
I am trying to get my masters in English. I’ve been in grad school for this for almost seven years at this point. Starting in January my credits start expiring so I have to hurry up and get the exam done. I’ve failed it twice already so I’m feeling very intimidated. This is my last chance to pass.
I hope you are buying it off of craigslist. I found my fancy jogging stroller for about 1/3 the normal price that way.
It would be nice to meet up with you. Shanna may or may not tolerate the stroller–usually I end up carrying her. 
I don’t have any plans during the day next week.
Which day is best for you? My partner works from home Wed/Fri so I am guaranteed the car then though I can ask to keep it any day that I know about in advance.
Chard is really good if you brown a couple of pieces of bacon first,pour off the fat, sautee the chard and add the bacon. I know bacon is not really good for you and the vegans out there are cringing but it is the only I can get Ken to eat chard.
If you are stuck for recipes and you might already know the site try http://www.epicurious.com., I found it useful.
I do search there.
I’ve been doing all kinds of fun stuff with cooking recently.
I boiled the chard for just a couple of minutes to soften it. Then I topped it with a mixture of garlic, mariposa (this SUPER spicy pepper sauce I got at the farmers market), apple cider vinegar, and sugar. It was sooooooooooo good. We ate it over a bed of lettuce (to cut the spice a little) with beef. We added some yogurt because it rounded out the palate perfectly.
i’m a part time working mom, and i can do it because, well, when i’m working i’m not momming, and river is with his dad. going out to the coffee shop to write actually feels like a break, sometimes.
but i still agree with all the rest…i miss my husband, have hardly any social life, haven’t slept enough in two years, and can only kinda keep up with housework because we live in an efficiency apartment and james does at least half of it. it’s funny. i thought there was supposed to be enough time to do all this stuff at once.
personally, i’m in awe of fresh bread baking, cute clothes sewing moms, which is what i imagined i would be before i wasn’t.