So the roofers are pulling our roof off today. They are feeling nervous about the possibility of weather this weekend so they are hoping the solar guy can get his butt out here tonight/tomorrow morning so they can put the roof on tomorrow afternoon. I feel guilty because I didn’t give the solar guy as much lead time as I should have. However, my sister says that the solar guy freaks out about everything and he would have been this unhinged no matter how much lead time I gave him. Ok then. She dated him/lived with him for a few years so she is probably right.
The fun part is that when they pulled off the current roofing material and looked at the wood underneath it they found that it is rotten. As in it would cause problems over the next couple of years rotten. I’m not sure how the home inspector missed that. [side note: the home inspector has never sent us a bill. hm.] So they are going to be replacing the wood. Of course this ups the cost. *sigh* Not by enough to cause a problem, but I’m going to be feeling very poor for the next several months as we build our savings account back up.
And Noah’s dad called yesterday. We had a very polite conversation. I think he called when Noah was at work on purpose. If Noah is home I hand off the phone as soon as I hear who it is. He apologized for not being able to come to the birthday party. I don’t think he really needs to apologize. We picked a crap-tastic weekend for them. Noah is going to be getting a new niece/nephew right around that date. Noah’s little sister has a music recital. And Noah’s other little brother is graduating from college. So yeah, kind of a busy time. I wish that things worked out such that it was easier for me to get to know Noah’s dad. He seems like someone I would like.
And my house is a complete and total mess right now. Oy. It’s a process.
The good news is that starting on Friday I won’t have to feel bad about running the hot tub cause we won’t be using power from PG&E to do it. w00t.