To do

This is getting overwhelming to think about so I’m going to type it up.

Clean out garage. Most stuff has to go into the storage shed. (We are having our roof replaced.)
Study for comp exam.
Continue weeding in the yards.
Water plants.
Borrow/steal/buy a rototiller for the yards.
Buy a bench for the front yard.
Figure out how I am going to hang the baby swing.
Return baby swing. (different one from above item)
Touch up paint around house.
Take empty paint cans and batteries and light bulbs to recycling center.
Harass people to hurry up and fill in the google doc with what meat they want.
Take comp exam on Saturday.
Try not to angst about SFSI interview.

Pump milk.
Cook food.
Figure out how to use up food in the garage.
Invite people over to drink bad wine with us. (I’m weird about just throwing it away. Anyone want to come drink bad wine with us? The more the merrier. 🙂
Get some exercise.
Buy new door for coat closet.
Wash windows.
Try not to obsess about amount of money being spent on new roof and solar panels.
Don’t eat out. (See above cooking reference.)
Wash car-inside and out.
Juice oranges from tree.
Fill hot tub.

Some of that has to be done this week. Some of that doesn’t have a definite finish date on it. I’m feeling very very busy right now.

11 thoughts on “To do

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      One of the biggest problems with making sangria is volume. We could easily go through a bottle of bad wine with an additional person or two but going through the couple of bottles needed for sangria is harder.

  1. misterajc

    The other thing you can do with bad wine is make mulled wine. You can do this one cup at a time in the microwave.

    In a ceramic mug mix
    1 part water
    3 parts wine
    2 tsp sugar
    Slice lemon
    1 pinch each cloves (ground or whole), ginger (dried powdered), nutmeg (fresh grated is best but dreid will do), cinnamon and/or allspice.

    Heat in the microwave with a cover on the cup to the warmest temperature you can comfortably drink it, and drink quickly before the alcohol evaporates.

    If you prefer less alcohol, simply heat uncovered on the stove for a few minutes and some of the alcohol will evaporate.

    If you wish you can mix the spices and sugar in the wine, put it back in the bottle, recork and keep in the fridge. Then you can pour out and heat a cup when you feel like one without having to worry about finishing the bottle.

  2. blacksheep_lj

    Do you have a motorized juicer? I’ve used one that attaches to a Cuisinart before, and we have one that hooks to our KitchenAid mixer, now. Boy does it make juicing a more pleasant experience.


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