17 thoughts on “well fuck

  1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

    Technically I was competing for one of five slots because I needed the extended track. I was also invited to try again in the future but I’m not sure if that is a rote thing or if they think I might have a chance in the future. *shrug*

  2. pantryslut

    I just felt there was something skeezy about the fact that they have no waiting list, yet they do not tell you before you get to the “orientation session” that you will be competing with other people in the room for a limited number of slots in the training. Then, they do not interview individually, but rather in a group session, which is extra-uncomfortable for everyone.

    It’s a divide-and-demoralize strategy. It turned me off so much that I decided against attending the training even though I was initially accepted.

    I also noticed that the people they chose were rather more homogeneous than the group that showed up for “orientation,” and that concerns me too.

  3. pantryslut

    P.S. I did share this with the organizers at the time, and I am friends with several SFSI volunteers still, so I consider this loving constructive criticism, but I don’t want to engage in a debate about why y’all do things the way you do, OK?

  4. pantryslut

    It was not an issue of being able to communicate in groups — it was an issue of competing *within* a group, for a limited resource, i.e. slots in the training. An entirely different sort of scenario, and maybe, maybe OK with prior warning, but without, it’s dishonest and manipulative and left me with a permanent bad taste in my mouth.

    I wasn’t looking for a “happy feel good club for perverts” — I expect trainings to be challenging. If they aren’t they’re doing something wrong. Great way to keep up the turn-me-off rhetoric, though.

  5. rbus

    Why don’t you put:
    “Last go-round was 60+ people for 25 slots.”
    in your web description?

    That’ll give folks some idea of what they’re up against.

    Of course, you may only get uber-competitive asshats for candidates…


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