Shanna and I are both being buttheads. It doesn’t help that we’ve had two poopy diapers in the past two days. They do not make me happy. WHY ISN’T SHE GOING ON THE POTTY!??!?!?!!!!!! She’s pooping at completely random times which is really unusual. (Uhm, for those of you who are probably confused about why I am upset about poopy diapers–we EC. I have had probably five poopy diapers total in the past four or five months.)
I think we are both being so awful because of the heat. It’s probably also why her bowels are off-kilter. I know that the heat always makes my system go haywire. (That’s probably a lot of over share. You’re welcome.)
It’s about the process, not the scorecard. Take a breath and brace yourself. She’s coming on that age where they get a bit less cooperative about EC. *hugs*
I know, but it’s too hot to be patient.
I hear a lot about potty pauses on the boards. Everyone freaks out. Let’s just say that toddler poop makes me very unhappy. Breastmilk poop doesn’t bother me in the slightest. This stuff is just gross. I need to get a diaper sprayer because having to scrape the stuff out of the diapers is making me way too frustrated. For the life of me I don’t understand people who don’t EC. They have to deal with YEARS of poopy diapers. *shudder*
I know…it’s super gross.
our kids were in diapers for a couple years and it never bothered us much.
shit’s shit – y’know.
in fact, there were big advantages to having them in diapers. they were ‘way more portable and we didn’t have to worry about finding a semi-reasonably-clean toilet for them when we were on the move.
though, we used disposables. fold ’em up and toss ’em out!
any kid the age of yours that’s using the crapper in even a semi-competent manner is a miracle, as far as i’m concerned.
consider when my kids were here age we were changing nealr 100 diapers a week!
you’re, and girling, are doing fine – even if it doesn’t feel like it.
That’s how I deal with it.
I’m a bit offended by “For the life of me I don’t understand people who don’t EC.” I haven’t been insulting about others’ choice to EC.
You are taking this a bit too seriously/personally. I was making a joke because I try to get out of changing diapers. I’m not saying that it is a ‘superior’ choice. It just gets me out of dealing with poopy diapers. You apparently made a different choice for how to do the same thing.
It’s your journal – you can say things however you want. Sorry I had a reaction.
I don’t understand it either…from a, “gee, here’s a way I can have a potty trained kid at 1 1/2, and have only dealt with poopy messes for a very short time, and I can’t imagine having done anything else now that I’m done”…not from a “what kind of psycho doesn’t EC” point of view. Not ECing is a choice a LOT LOT LOT of people make and clearly, it works out ok in the end. Like most choices we make as parents….different does not equal value judgement.
I do, however, think that more people WOULD EC if they understood that it can be a lot less intuition/paying attention than they think. It’s really pretty easy once you relax and understand the principles behind it. You can put as much or little effort into it as is comfortable for YOU, and still be getting the desired effect.
it Depends.
Dealing with poopy diapers isn’t that bad since we switched to disposables. Most poops are pretty solid, and don’t need much cleanup anyway, and the rest isn’t any worse than cleaning up after oneself. Sure, you have to see the output, but that makes it easier to make sure you’ve cleaned up completely.
If one of us were a stay-at-home parent, we might have given EC a try, but it seems to require more consistency than we’re able to provide. Reading a little bit about it, intuition is important, and I’m really not good at intuitive stuff, and wouldn’t want to dump all that on D.
ACtually EC can be quite effective done largely by timing. The intuitution bit is overrated.
maybe its time for some yogurt
for the kid…
whisky for the rest of us!