-I want a day of not being touched. At all. But it ain’t gonna happen.
-I want hot sweaty sex where I get off and we don’t have to rush.
-I want to go to a sex party. God I miss them.
-I want to feel exciting.
-I want to feel like I am doing more than just household stuff.
-I want to have time to do more than just household stuff.
-I want to leave.
-I want to stay.
-I want to feel happy in my skin.
-I want Shanna to stop whining today.
-I want my tongue to stop hurting.
-I want to stop feeling like I am responsible for continuing relationships when the other person doesn’t seem to care.
-I want my yard to be prettier.
-I want to not have to do yard work.
-I want Shanna to stop trying to climb me.
I feel you on many of these. *hugs*
It’s a pain!
Is it the lack of baby coverage, or the lack of party?
Lack of party. We have a number of wonderful people who are happy to baby-sit. I miss Black Sheets!
Next Primal is June 6th. Just sayin’.
That is sounding really interesting right now.
I realize that this may be the worst sort of compliment, but I don’t think it is: You have been such an amazing window into the future for me, thank you. That said, I want about half of the things you want right now, plus all of my own wants…
mostly, I want the wanting to end in my head…it drives me a bit reckless.
*nod* I get that.
As far as using me as a window into the future: I don’t blog heavily about all the many many many moments when I am peacefully happy. I really am enjoying my life. I’m thrilled to be doing this. I have never had a job/life stage where there weren’t frustrations. This is no worse than anything else I have done and it’s better than most of it.
I can sympathize with some of that. Good luck.
-I want a day of not being touched. At all. But it ain’t gonna happen.
-I want hot sweaty sex where I get off and we don’t have to rush.
-I want to feel exciting.
-I want to feel happy in my skin.
-I want Shanna to stop whining today.
-I want Shanna to stop trying to climb me.
I hear you. When my kids were babies, I had thoughts like these. Not quite the same words, but the thoughts were the same.
Now I have times when I wish I could have those days back again.
-I want to stop feeling like I am responsible for continuing relationships when the other person doesn’t seem to care.
I’m sorry I’m falling down on my side of our relationship – but I do care.
I’ve had some … things … going on – with me. Maybe nothing. Don’t know. But my head’s not been in the best place because of it.
I have been reading your LJ faithfully, keeping up with you from afar. I’m sorry I haven’t been … more.
I’m certainly not wishing these days away.
These are really good days. I just need to tweak some parts of them a bit.
I’m sorry things are rocky in your world. I always feel a bit weird about trying to contact you because you are so busy all the time and it seems like you don’t have any down time at all. I don’t want to be one more thing on top of a pile of overwhelming things to keep up with. Does that make sense?