Today for lunch Shanna had 1/3 of a PBJ (crusts on, thank you), a pickle spear, a couple of strawberries, some dried cherries, and a few pecans. We gave her this much food after she was stealing food from the other children yesterday at our playdate.
Maybe this is why she obsessively eats paper. She needs more food.
growth spurt coming??
Yes, I was thinking the same thing.
Is *that* why they eat paper? Poor starving babylings.
BTW, I’m sapphire_chan over at MDC. In case you were wondering why some random person decided to follow your LJ.
Excellent! Welcome.
I haven’t been at MDC much just lately because I’m being all life-involved. 
Heh. Growth spurts are cool.
We ought to go walking. Is there any day this week that would work for you?
I’m in LA this week. But we get home next Tuesday. I was thinking about checking out the beginners ‘stroller power’ class in santa clara. Its on Tuesdays/Fridays at 9:30 a.m. Would you be interested in meeting me at the class next Friday? The first class is free and i’m curious to check it out. If not, what about meeting up the following week…maybe Thursday?
Unfortunately (or not) I can’t do Friday the 22nd. I have a friend flying down from Eureka to spend the day with me.
I also can’t do the next Tuesday (26th) because I’m doing something with a friend for her book. I am free any other day between the 24th and the 29th. 
I’m all busy like.
maybe she’ll work for readers digest?
I”m periodically shocked by the quantities mine puts away. She’s been known to eat three eggs. Or nearly a cup of cottage cheese. Or a couple dozen strawberries. And routinely polishes off a WHOLE PBJ plus fruit as her lunch at school.
I think this is where the signs/words “more” and “food” can be VERY helpful. Frogling is VERY clear when answering questions about whether she wants food, and has generally been quite reliable about it since she was Shanna’s age or younger.
I can remember taking Ben to the supermarket when he was a toddler. We’d get to the checkout stand with nothing but an empty strawberry basket. Clerk: “Where are the strawberries?” Me: “Inside the baby.”
Shanna’s doing a bit of that, but mostly her signing is pretty iffy. But she’s starting to, so she may get more consistent about it soon.
Regarding paper: If that is true we were clearly starving Kara for most of her toddlerhood. Mom always wondered if it was trace mineral deficiency or something
More food, perhaps. An increase in intake is often a signal that there’s a growth spurt ahead. It’s also the growing time of year – for plants and for kidlings.
I was just as glad, the way it worked out. That my boy child was able to wear shorts during his annual growth spurt was the salvation of a single mother’s budget. He would nearly always shoot upward rather than outward, which meant cutting off his pants meant I could keep him in summer play clothes while he was spurting. He would usually be settled into a new size before I had to purchase new longer pants for the colder months.
Oh, and she’s also in the “discover the world via the mouth” stage. If something she’s exploring just happens to turn into a food-like mush, well …
my son ate so much so fast that he’d bite his own fingers.
as a baby i ate wood ashes until given a multi-vitamin. even given an excellent diet a deficiency of one thing or another can cause odd appetites. i still like my toast just a few second shy of burnt.
of course, this is an easy experiment: see if she lays off the writing material when she has more to eat.