I think one of the most significant benefits of being married to Noah is just how enthusiastic he is about my looks/body. My friend Marcie took some pictures of Shanna and I recently and I was actually pretty surprised by how big I am. I don’t feel that big, but I guess I am. They are really cute pictures and I don’t think I look bad I just look heavy. No wonder I’m getting asked so often if I’m pregnant. I expressed to Noah my surprise at how heavy I look and he said, “Mmmmm. Yeah, you are totally hot.”
If I were really concerned about being thin he would be the worst person to be married to. I’m not that fussed though so he’s just awesome.
better watch them shoulder straps, there, missy!
Noah is obviously a man of sublime taste. You do look gorgeous in those pictures.
All I know is you seem to always look confident, comfortable, and radiantly happy in the pictures (and in persons) I see of you and Shanna. And that is a lovely shade of blue on you.
I am so happy.
Life is just awesome.
Yeah, I love the dress.