So I was feeling all grumpy and cranky for a bit. Then we had sex. Then I was miraculously in a good mood. I think there is some sort of correlation there.
Yesterday during Tango class I started having significant pain in my right buttock. Like a muscle spasm. It really sucked. Luckily I married the best boy ever and he worked on my thigh/butt/back and it stopped being agonizing pain. Now it is merely discomfort. It’s progress!
On the dance class front: mostly I’m having a great time. Last night I had a series of guys who had no frame so I started feeling a little frustrated with them. Luckily I kept managing to get the same specific guy over and over and he actually had frame so that was nice. Noah is doing far better than he gives himself credit for. I think he has to overcome his mental block around “I’m a bad dancer” because when he’s not stressed out and freaking out he does alright.
I’m getting to socialize a lot lately and that is really awesome. It’s really wonderful that I am spending so much time with lots of friends. w00t!
In general things just feel so much better. I hate the hormones that come along with being a chick sometimes.
One of my biggest pet peeves of dancing – no frame…
I’m glad you’re liking your Tango class. What kind are you taking?
Social Tango with Richard Powers
Remember that Argentine tango has a much softer frame than ballroom. I started in tango, and was generally considered to have a strong frame- so much so that my teacher constantly reprimanded me for leading with my arms, and made me and my partner practice dancing with my arms behind my back. Later, when I got to ballroom, I had to completely relearn the frame.
So that could be part of what you’re experiencing. Try talking to your instructor about it.
BTW- who is your instructor? My original tango partner has gone on to be a serious Bay Area Tanguera, so I might know (about) this person:P
Richard Powers, so he believes in frame.
And I don’t care if the frame is softer. If I can’t tell if the guy is going backwards, forward, or to the side his frame is too weak.
Oh, cool! I didn’t realize Powers taught/danced tango, too!
Is there a kind of dance he doesn’t do?
He does most of them, but he’s also wise enough to bring in the experts for the ones he doesn’t do as well. =p Blues and Argentine are two where he ust brings in other people, even though he will teach them himself from time to time.
Apparently he helped start one of the first Tango nights in this country. It was mentioned a couple of times in class.
They’re not doing Argentine, although I think he mixes in a couple of stylings from there eventually. It’s definitely social ballroom style overall, so firmer frame.
I am jealous of your tango class.
I signed up for a local ‘smattering of ballroom’ course and ended up attending three of the eight classes because I wasn’t enjoying it. (In fact, last night was the last class.)
(Okay, I am also jealous of the sex.)
after years of swimming me mum (87 y.o.) has been convinced by her doctor to add some weight training to her exercise.
mom says the Best Thing About It is that, afterward, she gets a massage from a “cute young thing” who rubs her butt like it’s Meant To Be Rubbed.
i’m ascared to ask *exactly* what that means.
we should all be so lucky.
at 87, or any other doggone age.