I’ve been wondering how long it would take me to get back my period. The answer seems to be 12 months. I think that five days before her first birthday counts as a year. I was wondering why I felt shitty yesterday and I was eating everything in sight. Maybe this also explains some of the awful back pain over the last week as well. I thought I spotted last week but when nothing more came I brushed it off. I guess my body needed some truly awful cramps to get things going. Great. I thought that having a kid was going to make my periods easier. I guess the damn ob/gyns lied to me. Fuckers.
Getting your period back does not automatically mean you have fertility back, but it usually does. There are people who have anovulatory cycles for a while. I should make the assumption that I now have to make conscious decisions about birth control. So uhm yeah. I guess I need to decide how long I want to wait until we try to get pregnant.
Well, Laura, at least I didn’t get pregnant on the first cycle, right?
If anything the periods are so much worse after having a child. This has been my experience.