I don’t actually put much store in this

But I’m curious nonetheless. I’ve been reading up on astrology stuff (hey, that’s as good of a basis for when to try to conceive as anything else) and I’m not sure what I think about some of the signs. We are probably looking at kind of the middle half of the year: maybe Pisces, more likely Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and I’m not sure how I feel about most of them. One brother was a Pisces and we had a lot of conflict. It’s hard for me to judge how much was about our astrological differences and how much was because we came from an abusive home and were really fucked up kids. The same statement can be applied to Gemini except we are now adults and he hasn’t dealt with his shit. Noah and Shanna are both Gemini’s (God help me). My niece, nephew, and a close cousin are all Leos and they drive me batshit; just too lazy and immature for me. Other than that I don’t know too much about these signs and I’m not sure who else I know in them. (Ok, I know the obvious Geminis but that’s it.)

Any feedback?

Hm. I’m not sure second kid should be known as Lizard as well but I can’t think of a good nickname. I guess I’ll go with Noah’s suggestion for the tag.

32 thoughts on “I don’t actually put much store in this

  1. urangme

    I’m a leo…not sure if I drive you batshit crazy 🙂

    A book I love is Susan White, The New Astrology. She looks at the combination of eastern and western signs and has some fairly in depth thoughts on each combination.

    All that said, I find that I enjoy astrology as a way of forcing myself to look at things differently…not so much with the prognostication or developmental psychology aspects of it.

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      Well, I don’t live with you. It’s pretty hard to drive me batshit crazy on a limited interaction schedule. 😀


  2. lyahdan

    Leo on the cusp of Cancer.

    I like looking at the universe through that lens now and again. Or as I sometimes put it, “I believe in astrology on alternate Tuesdays.” I like working through thoughts that start with the premise of things light years away affecting upright monkeys over here. There’s all kinds of interesting things that bleed off of it.

    I find lots of things that matter more for temperament and such, but sign can be a fun shorthand. “I’m feeling my Leo today” = ‘pet me like the big vain cat I am, dammit!’ “Cancer ascendent” = ‘watch me burrow into the house.’ etc.

  3. ribbin

    I’m a Gemini, and so is my twin brother. Oddly enough, we’re like one personality that’s been split in two.

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      How so one personality? What I remember of the two of you is pretty different but I only remember vague things that you have told me about your brother. 🙂

  4. rosehelene

    I’m a Gemini and Marcie’s on the cusp of Pisces and Aries.

    I know that in some magic(k)al systems, the zodiac signs are assigned to one of the four elements. Gemini is air and Pisces is water.

    *shrug* Do what works best for you!

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      Heh, I see you found your own handle. 😛

      Yeah, I seem to have a bunch of Geminis in my life. I don’t know how that happened exactly. I’m an earth sign and Noah says he usually has trouble with earth. I don’t know what signs I actually get along the best with. It’s hard for me to pay enough attention to notice.

  5. terralthra

    I don’t really agree with you that mythology can be equally weighted with other reasons for conception time. For example, I seem to remember you having had complaints during pregnancy regarding various temperature-related symptoms; perhaps you could try to time the pregnancy such that those complaints are balanced by the prevailing climate at the time.

    Even timing it so that it will be summer during the times of pregnancy during which you will have to be getting up to relieve yourself at all hours of the night, so that the tile floor in the bathroom won’t be cold on your feet, would be a better reason than astrology.

    1. terralthra

      Just in the interest of full disclosure, I am an Aquarius. I estime that the description of the sign’s typical personality matches my personality roughly 30-40%, just enough for the associative cognitive processes’ selection and confirmation biases to kick in. Pretty much every other sign’s personality descriptors match to that degree as well.

      1. i_am_dsh

        I’m Aquarius also, and I observe above that you gave a beautiful, logical (slightly detatched) response that I’d consider typical Aquarius… something I might say, and a way I in fact timed a pregnancy.

        You may have a better match to your sun sign than you first thought.

    2. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      Well, you are of course free to disagree with me. That does not mean that your opinion is going to be taken into consideration.

  6. i_am_dsh

    I’d say look at the earth/air/water/fire aspects of the signs, not just the descriptions.

    I’m hoping this baby is late enough to be a Libra (an air sign like me) instead of a Virgo (an earth sign, like Terpsichoros and Kidlet.) I think it would be a better balance of “energies” in the family. I love Kidlet and Terpsichoros dearly, don’t get me wrong, and healthy baby is more important than astrology. It’s just, if I could choose, I’d pick Libra.

    You might have fun with this tool: http://shine.yahoo.com/astrology/compatibility/family/

    Have fun and best wishes for Little TBD.

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      That is a fun tool, thanks. I don’t actually plan to be fussy about conception so it isn’t like I am going to try and plan dates around getting a certain sign so I’m just trying on different ideas about what the kid could be as a silly thing to do. It’s a fun thought exercise as I sit trapped under Shanna for nap time.

  7. rbus

    just do it ’til your kid(s) comes along.

    spouse (who can cast charts by hand) thought she’d time her kids to her own needs and ended up with twins that perfectly match – me!

    the universe has a funny sense of humor.

      1. rbus

        and it was made even more awesome by the fact they arrived 13 weeks early to be born on the 5th anniversary of my older brother’s death. to nearly the exact minute, in fact.

        lose one – get two in return.

          1. rbus

            it was scary, at first. now it keeps us from mourning his loss on the day he died.

            we don’t even look at as anything but a birthday, now.

            all for the best and i’m certain he wouldn’t mind a bit. he *was* an ultimate partyboy.

  8. blacksheep_lj

    Funny you should bring this up…I was just amusing myself with the BabyCenter Family Horoscopes today.

    It’s always been interesting that my Aries and Vortlimpa’s Virgo are supposed to be pretty incompatible…or at least, um, very different. Here’s the “parenting” oreinted take on it:

    You each bring very different assets to the parenting table. The challenge will be in weaving them together to establish a fluid yet stable fabric of family life. The Aries mom or dad is full of energy, excitement, and inspiration, but is often impatient and insensitive. You’re a natural leader, stimulating and inspiring your family with your courage and flair.

    The Virgo parent, on the other hand, is practical, grounded, and conscientious, but tends to be picky and somewhat anxious. You’re thorough and methodical, so when your children need help with homework or other projects, it’s you they’ll seek out.

    Lighten up the demands and expectations you both carry, and this will help you create a calm, functional home life. With skill and practice, you can combine your natural gifts and create a wholesome and stimulating environment for your children.

    The Parent/Child Aries/Gemini suggests that Frogling and I will take over the world, and drive poor Vortlimpa batshit:

    Your naturally abundant energy is a great source of fun and inspiration for your Gemini child. Like you, he thrives on spontaneity and has a strong need for personal freedom. He sees the world as a colorful and interesting place, and he’s happy to follow your lead from one grand adventure to another. His curiosity and love of learning will fuel your many activities together.

    You both have short attention spans, which shouldn’t be too much of a problem: When one of you loses interest in an endeavor, the other has no trouble switching tracks to something new. Of course, your home will be littered with projects you two have started but not completed! Let’s hope that someone in your lives can ground the two of you emotionally. Otherwise, you might simply miss some of the more heartwarming, meaningful moments of your child’s growth.

    However, with the above in mind, it seems that Vortlimpa’s Virgo is just the “grounding influence” this family needs:

    Your Gemini child’s carefree, spontaneous energy continually surprises you. While you’re caught up in the details of everyday life, including how best to take care of your child, little Gemini is far more interested in anything fresh and interesting: a new book, a fascinating friend, or that colorful, complicated puzzle you gave her to stimulate her active mind.

    Don’t be surprised if your little one has several different projects running at once, each in a state of partial completion — and try not to be bothered by the clutter she creates! While you’re naturally quite orderly, your child seems destined to leave a trail of happy messes in her wake. But that’s just her curious mind at work — it’s hard for her to focus on one project for long. Good thing you’re so down-to-earth. You can be a grounding influence in your little one’s cheerfully chaotic existence.

    All of that said, my due date (June 9) had me having a Gemini pretty much no matter what, but she barely squeaked in at June 21, my little solstice goddess. So if I’d have been trying to “time it” I’d have nearly been hosed, despite best placement! It does amuse me how much the three of us are pretty predictable by our signs.

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      That’s a neat link, thanks.

      It’s kind of interesting because I’m the Virgo with a Gemini child like Mr. Vortlimpa. It’s going to be interesting as she grows up. I sometimes feel like I will be managing both Shanna and Noah in similar ways because they are just not all that practical.

  9. zhaneel69

    Moon signs can have a large shade to the personality in addition to the Sun sign. Additionally how close to the cusp of the next sign also has import.

    My grandmother did a birth chart for all of her kids and my siblings and I. At the exact moment of our birth and location of birth with all the Orbital Bodies and their signs and houses. It is an interesting look as there is a lot more detail than the standard Taurus 2 liner in the newspaper, but there is also more to disagree with.

    I’m a Taurus, and you & I don’t always get on the best. I suspect it has to due with my stubborness. Which is a trait of Taurus. Taurus are also Earth based, and while I often have a lot of those traits, the Sag moon sign I have does lend more of the Fire traits I also have.

    Which isn’t to say that having a Taurus baby is a good or a bad thing but just to add a data point and bring up the Moon sign which changes roughly every 3-4 days and can have a large effect.

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      I’ve had mixed luck with Taurus folk. I’m aware that Moon sign stuff changes things dramatically. My Moon was in Libra and that’s all festive and such. 🙂

      1. capnkjb

        Taurus with a lot of air signs (and a Cancer moon). Just avoid Tauruses with Aries moon (I thiiiink that’s what it was) because that’s what Hitler had. What a jackass, amirite?

        Uhh but yeah Capricorns are pretty cool, one of my favorite people is a Capricorn (no you do not know her).

  10. ditenebre

    I was born dead center of Sagittarius (mutable fire sign), with my moon in Aries (cardinal fire sign), in the Year of the Horse (Yang fire sign), so the comments I am about to make need to be read with that information in mind.

    My daughter is a Pisces (mutable water sign), though she was born about a week from the Aries cusp. The emotional nature of the water sign is still very evident in her. She is very adaptable, creative, compassionate, and a dreamer — all hallmarks of Pisces.

    My father is a Taurus (fixed earth sign), born in the center of the sign. For most of my life, we had a “good” relationship – but I’ve recently realized that was largely dependent on my allowing him to have his way in everything. In the past two years, he has dug in, becoming entrenched in a position, and my fire has raged. Our relationship is currently severely damaged as a result.

    My first husband is a Cancer (cardinal water sign), though he was born about a week after the Gemini cusp. Two things that really stand out about my ex is his tendency towards extremes, and the seeming contradictions of his actions.

    I can’t recall having too many Aries or Leos in my life, but they are both fire signs, so I would find some commonality with them. You, on the other hand, are dead center in Virgo (mutable earth sign).

    A Pisces would match your mutable nature, but would bring watery emotionalism. A Taurus would match your earthy element, but would come with “stubborn as a bull” fixed qualities.

    As Aries and Leo are fire signs, you’d have a high energy input from a child in either of those signs – but they would also come with their fair share of strong-willed determination.

    Having said all that, I don’t place a lot of faith in the predictive value of things I read in various horoscopes. But I am always open to the possibility that there is more to this than meets the eye.

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      Neat! It sounds like you pay a lot more attention to this stuff than I do. It’s interesting how you use the words ‘mutable’, ‘cardinal’, and ‘fixed’ to add dimension to the elements because I don’t know anything about them. 🙂

      We’ve actually had some data points added to the conception conversation in the last day or so that mean Little TBD is more likely to be later in the year. So Leo/Virgo/Libra become way more likely. I’m still not sure how I feel about that. I think I might like a Virgo. 😀 It would be kind of interesting if I had a Virgo son so that we had a household of two Virgos and two Geminis of opposite genders. I wonder how that would work out.

      *shrug* Little TBD will come whenever it works out so this is just interesting to think about. 🙂


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