Jesus Fucking Christ

I am so angry. I am angry at all kinds of stupid, petty things. I want to hit people and not in that fun way. I want to scream. Everything is irritating me. I feel like I am almost vibrating with negative emotions. I feel almost psychotic. This is the kind of irrational anger people get medicated for.

I yelled at Noah. 🙁 Ok, so maybe the stuff I was yelling at him about was stuff that deserved a conversation but not my foul language and temper.

I don’t know how I have managed to keep it together with Shanna. This sucks.

7 thoughts on “Jesus Fucking Christ

  1. terpsichoros

    This is the kind of irrational anger people get medicated for.

    The problem is that medication is full-time, even when those episodes are intermittent. I get that way, too, and I really wish there was some drug I could take which would calm me down. Other than pot.

    In my case, it’s sometimes a sign of blood sugar issues, and sometimes a sign of stresses I’ve been avoiding dealing with, or both.

    1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

      Yeah, I don’t think I actually need full time medication. This is so rare for me. I think it is about my cycle coming back. All of a sudden it feels like all of my emotions over the past few months have been on mute and now they are full strength.

      1. rbus

        it’s called a “cycle” for a reason, i guess…

        you’ll come around.

        deep cleansing breath.
        deep cleansing breath.
        kick the fuck outta something.
        deep cleansing breath.
        deep cleansing breath.

        1. Krissy Gibbs Post author

          Yeah, I am feeling better. (Brought the conversation back to my journal.) Noah and I had a long talk last night. He’s good at the long talks. He’s also good at not treating me like my mood swings make my thoughts/opinions invalid. Yay Noah.


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