So on occasion I have been known to behave in a less than saint-like fashion. One might go so far as to say that once in a great great great while I’m a complete and total bitch. Of course these events are few and far between. *cough* Ok, so at least they aren’t happening weekly. I would like to think that in the realm of crazy wives I’m not so bad but I am realistic enough to know that sometimes I kind of suck. Just like my wonderful, patient, fabulous husband is on occasion a poopyhead. It happens to the best of us.
You might be wondering what’s my point? Well, my point is that Noah feels like he can’t tell anyone about me being uhm less than polite. I think this is a fairly unhealthy situation for him to be in. I think that feeling like he has to stay isolated and put up with my sometimes unpleasant behavior smacks of abuse and that’s really not cool. So whereas I’m glad he doesn’t spend a lot of time bitching about me I think that some venting occasionally is healthy. I’ve told him this and he only sort of believes me. This weekend I even cornered him in front of a friend and said the same thing. Now I’m going even further and telling him in front of the whole wide internet that it’s ok to tell people that I am mean to him sometimes. It’s ok to say, “I’m not really sure what to do when she does ‘x'”.
Really. It’s ok.
i was just having this discussion today with a couple guys at work.
one of them married about 3 years. the other, like me, at the quarter-century mark.
the young one was crabbing about this, that and the other about the wife. the other old guy and me just smiled at each other.
there’s married!
– and –
there’s married.
married! guys really need to talk things out or they’ll go nuts.
married. guys are already nuts and so all they have to do is say “wife” and the rest of us all know what we mean…
you two just haven’t
lost your exclamation point, yet.
Well, we do have two more months until we hit the three year mark.
she’s scary, in fact.
made me cry on more than once.
with just a look!
the puppies probably asked for it.