It involved brain storming fun things to do, drinking a lot, and having sex in the bathroom of the party hosts.
That was an awful lot of fun. Best party I’ve been to in a long long time.
It involved brain storming fun things to do, drinking a lot, and having sex in the bathroom of the party hosts.
That was an awful lot of fun. Best party I’ve been to in a long long time.
And it’s only 8:00!
I might have to invite vortlimpa to go christen the new camper. Parked on the street. In front of my MILS’ house. Tee hee.
And then we had sex again! It was splendid.
I hope your christening went well.
When are you coming through town?
Sounds like a grand evening! I love those sneaking-off-during-the-party quickies:)
I haven’t done it in a very long time and when I did it last it caused some uncomfortable bumps with a few people.
ah, bathroom sex.
you didn’t pull the sink from the wall, did’ja?
people don’t like that.