Looks like trying to have more of a relationship with my family was a bad idea. It’s time to withdraw from that again. Noah gave me some really good advice on how to do it without exploding a drama bomb.
I got into a really bad place for a while there where I was doing the martyr thing full time. That doesn’t help anyone least of all me. I need to knock that crap off. Noah can take care of his own happiness.
Shanna now, quite delightfully, says “owwwww sigh”. For those of you without children this means outside. It’s awesome. She loves her swing so much. I’m thrilled that I got the idea from and and I bought one.
I’m shifting things around in the house a lot more trying to figure out what arrangements will make me happiest long term because the long term is how long we are here. I really really want to make a cool playroom for the kidlet so I’m looking into that. I have a bunch of cool links that I might post later.
I’m feeling frustrated by the fact that people very very rarely initiate social interaction with me. Why is it that I have to do all of it?
My last tattoo appointment is on August 3rd. We’ll be stopping birth control after that. That means I’m taking advantage of the ability to drink.
Noah and I had a wonderful date on Monday where we had breathtakingly good food. Being married to a foodie is the best thing ever.
I’m not being good about exercise just lately. This is another thing I need to work on.
Urf and arf. Time to start walking towards the bus stop. I bet Shanna is going to love the trip on BART again.
If you end up wanting to do the work yourself with help, let me know on the garage/playroom. I’ve tools, I have time and it would be a great way to spend time/booze together
I would really really love this. Right now I am almost done with cleaning out the shed and that will give me plenty of room to move the storage stuff in the garage. It’s probably best to do that sort of work during the summer/fall, right? That way it won’t be damp.
Most of the prep work I can do by myself, I think. Stuff like moving the crap out there and taking the shelving units down. It takes me a little while to do this kind of thing with the kidlet so I probably wouldn’t be ready for the stuff I need help with until August. Would that be an ok time for you?
Yay! You so rock!
Whatever works for you, teaching a class in early sept, and as always trying to work whenever I can, but can make time when time needs making to hang with folks and get stuff done.
Probably what I should do is just get my butt in gear and work on this as fast as possible and then call you up. I can do it!
I would totally initiate spending time with you, if it weren’t for this silly wedding thing I’m planning!
first “scoffing woo” and now drama-bomb.
i learn so many wonderful phrases reading yer blog, dearie.