Today I am feeling happy because I have made a bunch of progress out in the shed. I am getting rid of the debris left from when the housemate before the last housemate was here. (I’m not complaining! Thank you for the roses!) This means I am able to organize the stuff I want to put in there. This kind of anal retentive organizing makes me swooningly happy.
And I am going to squash my “I can do it myself!!!” attitude and gratefully accept help from the wondrous Taylor in finishing the garage. This way it will actually get done instead of me just bitching at Noah that I want it to get done. Then I get to move on to feeling angsty about my lack of artistic ability.
That part will be easier to get done I suspect. I’m not sure exactly how I’m going to do the playroom yet but I feel a tantalizing array of options.
If you ever get to the painting time frame, let me know… I helped my mom paint our entire house so I’m a good laborer….
Basic painting is easy. I’ve done way way way too much of that. Do you know how to do more artistic painting? I really want a mural and I just don’t have the skill.
hmmmm I’ve helped fill in a mural that someone else has already done the outline for (it’s just paint by numbers at that point).
What do you think of stencils/ stick ons for the room instead of a mural? My mom did that with my sister and then she could change them as she grew without having to re-paint…
This is going to be the playroom, not a bedroom so it’s less likely to need changing frequently. And I’m going to have several little kids so it is going to be less about individual personality and thus need less frequent changing.
And I figure that once my kids have been banging around out there for years it’ll need repainting anyway.
Have you considered…
wallpaper? Lots of interesting patterns and pictures, and might or might not be easier than painting.
They even make entire murals in wallpaper form.
You can now even get your own jpeg image made into a wallpaper mural.
Also there’s “dry erase” wallpaper, and you can let the kids color whatever they want on it, and erase it and color something new, whenever they want.
Or there’s an array of interesting paint products that let you do some fun things pretty easily…
magnetic primers so you can stick magnets to the walls
and then paint over it with paint that turns itself into a dry erase surface like the wallpaper idea
or maybe better would be chalkboard paint (to avoid dry erase chemicals and fumes)
which now apparently comes tintable to various colors
and you can even make glow in the dark patterns on the ceiling or something
None of this is intended as “advice”, rather just some additional ideas I thought I’d toss out for your consideration.
I’m interested in what you eventually wind up doing and how it turns out, but whatever you choose I’m sure it will be fun.
Re: Have you considered…
None of the links came through on the emailed comment so I was coming here to say, “I hadn’t really thought of it but there might be some interesting stuff out there” but then I got here and now my comment is, “Holy shit! Thanks!”
Re: Have you considered…
No really. This is so cool. I’m having a blast looking through the options. *bounce*
Re: Have you considered…
So the links work from the LJ page for you? Because they look good for me here. Glad you liked the idea.
” …This kind of anal retentive organizing makes me swooningly happy.
And I am going to squash my “I can do it myself!!!” attitude and gratefully accept help …”
I could have written this myself … maybe it’s a virgo thing??