I love the sundresses that are popular right now. Very long, I’m good with showing some cleavage and most importantly: the straps are adjustable. However there is one big problem with these dresses (and most of the tanktops I own) they were not cut for women with large breasts. If I wear them without a bra I am in imminent danger of falling out entirely at any second. (No really. It’s not a great thing.) If I wear a bra with them they look retarded because my bras are gi-fucking-normous in order to contain the vastness of my breasts. (Anyone who says, “but you aren’t that big” can kiss my lily white ass.) I don’t exactly appreciate having the top/dress look like little triangles floating on the sea of my bra. It’s fucking ugly and tacky.
Maybe I should have stopped watering them a long time ago.
Strapless bras? I love mine from lane bryant (they actually like old me up and in etc). They don’t work with tops that are cut certain ways in the front (like the boobies are supposed to fit in the cups of the dress type thing) but then my boobies don’t fit in those dresses to begin with…
Strapless bras + nursing = stretched out in about a week.
yea hadn’t thought about that….
I have thought about this problem extensively so it’s more obvious to me.
How about a stretchy ribbed tank top, tube top or chemise under the sundress? I’m not quite as stacked as you, but at this weight I’m a solid c-cup, and if modesty is an issue I throw a tank top or slim-fitting t-shirt on under the sundress.
This is more or less what I’m going to have to do but I don’t like it. I don’t like it because it makes nursing become a serious pain in the ass.
Oh, I’d forgotten you were still nursing
Still, can you kind of lift the tank top up over the boob and then lift the boob up, or to one side, over the edge of the sundress? It’s hard to visualize without knowing exactly the cut of sundress you mean, but I’m guessing it’s something with a halterish top. I have one like that, which is great in this heat, and I think it would work that way for nursing.
I don’t know if you’re buying from bravissimo, but they have some that 1. work for support and 2. are cut low enough that most clothing works. I highly recommend.
I have them. It’s not just the amount of fabric near the cleavage it’s the acre on the side of the breast.
a picture of the type of dress you’re trying to use might help.
could build bra cups into the top, like in swimwear. You can either deconstruct a bra or buy cups new at a fabric store.
http://www.target.com/Mossimo-Black-Cami-Maxi-Dress/dp/B001V6TXPU/qid=1248391479/ref=br_1_9/181-0330794-2064840?ie=UTF8&node=144455011&frombrowse=1&rh=&page=1 is one dress.
I’m not really sewing savvy enough to do what you are describing.
Ooh, that is pretty. I’d buy that myself if they have it in another color and in XL (and if I had any money to spare on clothes, which I don’t).
It is cute and they have it in XL. I don’t think they have it in another color.
But yeah, can you see why it’s kind of a pain in the ass to have to tuck the dress out of the way, lift the bottom shirt, and then lower the bra? Erf! Whine!
I just came back from a frustrating afternoon so I’m extra whiny. It’s ok to ignore the fuss.
Oh — bras. I don’t wear ’em with sundresses. In fact, I wear them as rarely as possible. Yes, they’d definitely complicate matters.
I remember going to the doctor when Ben was about a year old, because I’d developed hives on my chest and especially my breasts. The doc asked to see them, and without thinking twice about it, I pulled up my shirt and unhooked my nursing bra. I’d forgotten that there was anything unusual about nursing bras until I saw his face :/
I suppose I didn’t think about the possibility of wearing the undershirt sans bra. Seeing as I’m only wearing the undershirt to cover the bra.
Maybe I should have stopped watering them a long time ago.
It doesn’t help.
I was a large b/small c up until my mid 20’s. I used to bitch a lot about having breasts that were too small for the rest of my frame. A friend gave me a birthday card with a woman looking down in the shower thinking “Maybe if I water them they will grow”. It became a running joke.
Then they grew.
Then they grew again.
I think it’s the water.
Next time I am going for the bonsai option.
(ed.: stupid typo.)
REALLY?? Then there IS hope. Or… potential for Trickster mischief. Hm.
Part of it is dressmakers still think of D cups as really fucking huge because they’re still going off the old rules of adding 3-5 inches to the band size before calculating the cup size. But when you measure correctly the new average cup size is like a C, which means there are tons of Ds running around.
Since I wear an H, I look at the pretty sundresses and consider them for after nursing. Maybe when she’s 5, we’ll get matching mother daughter dresses. Won’t that be cute?
It will! I hope my daughter wants to wear matching clothes. I always loved that when I was little but I’m trying not to push her to be like me.
How about the ones that are not triangles, but have a straight-across decolletage? I like those partly because they are kinder in the underarm/side-of-breast exposure, but also because I am NOT gifted in the chestal area, and these make it less obvious than the triangle type. On those who do have a bit of cleavage (or more than a bit), I think they look smashing!
Something like these, maybe? They’re not exactly what I mean (or what I’d wear), but you can extrapolate.
If the straps tie, then you can untie one side and pull down the top, and move the bra out of the way to nurse. You could also make some minor adjustments and add a snap or button closure at the front of the dress where the strap meets the bodice.
I went and looked at the dresses you linked to and here are the problems with each of them (aren’t I festive?): 1-that would make me look like a beached whale. And it would be impossible to nurse in because they don’t make those top bands loose. 2-Probably doable but these usually don’t have enough in the bust area and the waistband floats somewhere in the middle of my boobs and looks kind of silly or my boobs bust out the top. 3-very cute, maybe it would work if the bodice was stretchy enough to nurse. it would definitely cover the bra.
4-impossible to nurse and the cut never works on me; I look ginormous. 5-not wearable with a bra but I wouldn’t fall out without one.
I could probably nurse in this one. 6-not anywhere near enough material in the bust. 7-similar to other. Probably nurseable, but not definite. 
I feel your pain. Both on the large boobs versus small dress cups issue and the nursing in a dress issue. Thusly, I did not wear any dresses until this summer, two years into nursing when I was fairly confident I would not be required to nurse while out and about on an average day. I stuck with skirt/tank (mostly Bravado nursing tanks) combos for the first two years. Having returned to essentially my pre-preg weight/size now (finally) at two years out, I can wear my old dresses, which were chosen with adequacy of boob containment in consideration in the first place, having been in the D/DD range to start with. IN the first year, trying to cram those F/G suckers into ANYTHING was pretty hopeless.
I don’t have your sleek figure.
Skirts and tops tend to bunch and make me look heavier/more rolly. Some days I’m ok with that but most days I feel too self conscious.
i suppose
just going nekked
would create
more problems
than it
i’m not an expert at such things, mind you.
having never gone nekked.
Thanks for posting this. =) I was just trying on some sundresses this weekend, and–hello, little triangles floating on the sea of my bra! I am hoping that someday, somewhere, I will find one of these dresses with a built-in bra–not just cups but a full-on bra inside. That would rock.
Given how curvy you are, have you ever considered Bravissimo? http://www.bravissimo.com/Default.aspx They sell clothes that are cut differently for busty chicks.
Most of it isn’t terribly nursing compatible so I’m not shopping there at this point.
Oooh! Look at all the pretties! I’d never seen Bravissimo before. Love it–except for the prices. But there’s an adorable bikini on sale, so I’m going to order it right now. =) Thanks for the tip!