If you are like me and you spend much time wondering if you are pregnant due to inconsistent cycles, trying to get pregnant, trying not to get pregnant, whatever, I recommend heading on over to: http://www.saveontests.com/ You can get pregnancy tests for as little as $.34/test if you buy 100 of them. 100 pregnancy tests sounds like a really lot but given how irregular my cycle is I am willing to bet I have used at least 40 or so in my lifetime and I’m not done with testing. I’ve only had these cheap things for about the last 20. That means I probably have already spent over $200 on pregnancy tests when I could have spent $34 for all the tests I will ever possibly need. Sounds smart now doesn’t it? Ok, technically they expire in about three years but still! I could have bought a bunch of these every three years and still saved a lot of money. You can buy them in packs of 5 for only $3.25. No really, that’s awesome.
LOL I should get a group together like you did for the beef to go in on a large number of these.
I’ve actually never peed on a stick before…
Ooh! You are a fount of helpful information! (Besides being a cool person whom I’d like to see more when we live closer.) I have the most frustratingly irregular cycle, like anywhere from 30 to 60 days, and I have also spent way too much $$ on tests…