It went really well. We ended up in a fun little group of four girls and two boys. Probably the hardest part is that most of the group wanted to bottom. One of the girls didn’t get much play because of that very problem and that was sucky. I’ve crystalized some of my thoughts on group sex. I’m going to expound about them after the cut. So here’s a cut. Continue reading
Monthly Archives: August 2009
It was a good weekend! Yay!
Noah and I had a fun time out on Friday and then we drove down to Santa Barbara early on Saturday. We were very mellow. We had good food and visited the zoo and very briefly went to the beach and let Shanna play in the water. We didn’t spend much time at the beach because we all sunburn like nobodies business. A little bit was perfect.
I really enjoyed spending the time with Noah. He’s awesome to talk to. I think the hardest part of the weekend was how difficult it is for Shanna to spend that much time in the car. Oh and the massive disgusting poop explosion on the drive home. Dear god in heaven that was foul. But we cleaned it up fairly well and there was little stressing. w00t.
I think that the next weekend get-away should be a bit closer to home so we have to drive less.
(Oh: the gelato in Santa Barbara is nowhere near as good as the gelato in New Zealand. It was sad, really.)
I made banana bread and brownies and those are both good.
I made jam and it didn’t set. Poopy. I think it’s cause the fruit was over-ripe. My reading says it is a common problem. That’s fine, we’ll use it on ice cream.
And Shanna was a bit shocked after the first shot and burst into tears after the second shot. She only cried for a couple of minutes and then has been fine all day. We are now in negotiation with the pediatrician as to which vaccines we will be doing next. Have I mentioned that I love my pediatrician? He’s an awesome guy. He’s trying really really hard to sell us on flu shots and he had some great statistics to back up his point of view. I’m going to do more research but it may be that we get flu shots this year due to some issues with H1N1 and pregnancy. We’ll see. We also need to decide about DTaP. That one… I have a lot of conflict about but it might make our schedule. MMR and Polio will both happen before our next overseas trip. This thinking about vaccine stuff is very anxious making.
She dropped percentiles on weight again. However she did gain half a pound which is upward progress and I’m happy about that. She is down to the 30% on weight. (21 lbs 4 oz) She is at the 81% on height (this is kind of neato). (31.5″) And head circumference has dropped a little but it’s still high. I can’t remember the exact number and I can’t find the piece of paper.
He was impressed with her vocabulary. I am too so it’s awesome to be validated.
I think that’s it for now.
(Icon because I just got out of the shower and I’m naked. )
I’m going to have a good weekend.
How about you?
Whoo hoo
Adventure! We are going to Santa Barbara for the weekend. I’m excited. I’ve never actually been down there. And I asked the boyfriend of a friend to pick up our farm share and he said sure. Yay! That was a rather easily arranged weekend.
Today I need to: make banana bread, make jam, and pack.
Tomorrow Shanna has a checkup, more shots. Luckily Noah can go with us because I just can’t hold her down for the needle.
I do believe that the choice we are making is right but it sucks.
And we are going to a festive grown up party tomorrow night. I’ve got some high hopes about that but I’m not completely sure how I would like it to go. There are so many choices! Mmmm I like thinking about my options. And I am even more excited that I know some particular people are going because that makes my options so much more appealing.
I want to go somewhere. I want to go do something big and exciting and dramatic. But my life doesn’t allow such things anymore. I am consumed by minutiae. I am obsessed with ensuring that I am Safe. But how is that benefiting me really? Why am I doing this to myself? Ugh. It’s making me easily frustrated and so ridiculously bored.
{dirtier} So we are going out…
On the 28th Noah and I will be going to the swingers party at Edges. I think it would be really really awesome if I knew people there. I like seeing my friends have sex. It’s a little quirk I have. I’m teetering on the edge of making explicit “I would like to see more of ‘x’ at the party” comments so I’ll stop.
More words! (not the meme kind)
Additional words:
nana (for banana)
bees! (for boobies. *sigh*)
bread (it sounds like bread but said shortened. I can’t explain it.)
isthis? (seems like, what is this?)
Moo (for cow milk)
sauce (for apple sauce)
Puff (cat’s name)
no! (I can’t believe I forgot no!)
These are in addition to:
slide (used for swing and slide)
Her signs:
all done
The best five
Let me just put this behind a filter before I even write it… And I’ll cut it. See! Continue reading
Whoo hoo!
Today’s the day! I get to start back-breaking physical labor! Sheetrock is heavy. I keep telling myself, “It will all be worth it when I can walk down the hallway with less of risk of breaking my neck in the middle of the night.”
Man am I grateful to Taylor. Yay Taylor!
Apparently today is the day I get to schedule back breaking labor. He had a good point about waiting on delivery so stuff isn’t going to happen for a while. I think I am just as happy. This will give me a chance to do more fussing inside the house with arranging stuff without being grumpy and in pain. I also get to have a couple of weeks between bursts of project obsession. Maybe in the meantime I’ll get around to making jam.
Of course I am already thinking about Christmas.
On MDC there is a thread about trying to limit Christmas so that it doesn’t become a gimmee spree. One woman posted something she got from a book:
The Four Things Children Need At Christmas
1. A relaxed and loving time with family.
2. Realistic expectations about gifts.
3. An evenly paced holiday season.
4. Reliable family traditions.
Combine this with the other maxim about presents posted in the thread:
Something you want.
Something you need.
Something to wear.
Something to read.
It’s making me stop and think about Christmas again. Last year I burned myself out with cookies. I shouldn’t do that again. I’m also thinking that due to financial schtuff this year I really should tell people that we aren’t buying presents. That’s going to be hard emotionally for me and I think for Noah. Awkward.
Would anyone on my friends list like some bitters or vermouth? For some reason we have a really lot of both and we don’t need either at all.
I have been very industrious this week. I have been working from when I get up till late in the evening. I’m exhausted. Of course there is more to do. Every so often I get into these cycles of freaking out about the fact that there is Always More To Do!!! Then I decide I don’t care and I ignore allmost of it for a while. I wish I could get to that part already but I can’t. The big thing left to do in the garage is dismantle the shelves that are attached to the walls and I’m afraid that is going to be difficult work because pieces of it are very heavy. Taylor is coming on Tuesday (!!!) so we can get started on figuring out the garage stuff. I’m terribly excited. Yes, I’m aware it will take multiple days. But Taylor unlike certain other people I could name but won’t isn’t a flake and will actually follow through when he says he will do a project with me so I’m not stressing.
We’re going to have a playroom! And I’ve started a fund for a play kitchen. I think that the play kitchen money should come out of my personal entertainment/fun money because I want it so bad.
Shanna really doesn’t care at this point.
I went to the orthopedic orthopedic? maxillofacial? surgeon today to discuss getting an implant. This is going to be expensive. I briefly read the propaganda they had on the subject but I left it at the office cause it pissed me off. No, this will not magically make my life better. I am, however, quite interested in the procedure because it can help prevent bone loss/decay issues later. So yeah. And once I get the procedure done it is like three months until the next step. So I guess it’s a good thing we decided to wait like six months before trying to get pregnant. oy.
And I went to a physical therapy thing today for my knee. Shanna was remarkably good. She sat on the chair and drew on a piece of paper and played with my sweater for an hour. Ok… probably 45 minutes and then she wanted to nurse. I’m once again impressed with my wonderful baby.
Boy howdy is she getting willful. I thought the ‘nononono’ didn’t start till more like two. Oy. When she’s not in the mood for something she is really not in the mood. It’s interesting. Of course I override sometimes when it is a safety issue. I try really hard not to override just because “I’m the mom”. I find myself having to fight my temper more now and that’s difficult for both of us. Like when I’m cleaning up the Cheerios she flung all over the floor. It’s ok that she made the mess but when I’m cleaning it up, don’t come in the middle and throw stuff again! Dude! So rude! I find myself talking about manners, rudeness, politeness, and consideration constantly. I’m sure there are a good many parenting gurus who would describe my system as awful. I’m very very judgmental of her behavior. It seems to me that if I’m not she won’t learn how to evaluate behavior. I never ever tell her she is bad. I do tell her constantly that she is good and sweet and generous. I tell her, “It is rude to yell inside because it hurts peoples ears.” I know she doesn’t ‘get it’ yet but I figure starting young will help ingrain these lessons. She does seem to understand, “Please stop” and respects it more often than I would expect at this age.
Maybe that’s enough babbling for now.
Getting rid of these damn pennies.
There are 120 pennies.
There are 22 nickels.
There are 2 dimes.
One quarter
One silver dollar
One $.50 piece
One two dollar bill.
And now I’m done with this crap.
Today I am feeling very happy with the world and everything in it, so I’ll talk a little bit about what I appreciate today.
I appreciate that my wonderful Marcie let me have huge blocks of wood for my yard. Soon I will get around to finishing that project and I will have the coolest sandbox ever!
I appreciate that my darling husband tolerates my ongoing projects and obsessions.
I appreciate that my daughter loves books so much. And that she is picking up words at a prodigious rate. It is getting so much easier to communicate with her.
I appreciate that my house is small enough to be easy to clean. The older I get and the more stuff I have to get done in a day the more I appreciate this.
I appreciate that Taylor offered to come help me finish the garage. It is almost entirely cleaned out! It will be done by Friday! This is so exciting. (At this point there is probably about an hour of moving stuff and an hour or two of cleaning left.)
I appreciate the heck out of the chest freezer. Man that thing makes my life better. I have a whole mess of (organic) beef and chicken. I have a huge stash of raw milk, butter, cream, and cheese. I have a freak-ton of ice cream (I buy it on sale and stock up). And then there are the ’emergency’ tv-dinner lunches for Noah’s lunch when we have nothing else. It’s so awesome. I think I have enough meat to last me the next six months and maybe longer. This pleases me immensely. We will need more ice cream and milk before then.
I appreciate the wonderful variety of food available to me here in the bay area. I like that my taste buds have been expanded in ways they wouldn’t have if I lived in middle America.
I appreciate the awesome cookbooks available to me that have taught me how to cook some of the amazing food I enjoy so much. And the baking. *swoon* The baking! I’m pretty good at baking, I have discovered. I really enjoy it.
I appreciate being comfortable financially at a time when many people aren’t. It’s a luxury. I have the luxury of staying home with my kids as long as I want to. It’s really nice.
I appreciate my new roof. Holy crap on toast do I appreciate my new roof. And I really love that we are basically off grid for our electricity usage. That makes me feel good about my impact on the planet. I’m wasteful in other places (like travel and eating meat) so I try to do what I can elsewhere.
I appreciate our wonderful car. It is fantastically efficient and well functioning. It is still pretty through absolutely no effort of mine.
I appreciate having the luxury to sit around and think extensively about what is best for my family. My life is non-stressful and non-traumatic. I get to think about family planning in a safe and comfortable environment where many options are possible. That’s amazing.
I appreciate having yards big enough to worry about. It means that Shanna has lots of room to play and explore. And I appreciate how much she loves being outside. That bodes well.
I appreciate Ikea. My house is turning into an Ikea showroom. It’s kind of funny. But man is it useful and cheap! And I think all the stuff we bought there looks perfectly decent. Yay Ikea!
I appreciate that when I have computer problems I always find a friend to help me fix them. Man living in the valley rocks.
Consider the needs of the child you have
That’s a phrase bandied about in full-term breastfeeding circles. Full-term meaning at least until two years old. Two years is the minimum recommended time for nursing as stated by the WHO. Ok, so I’m not exactly one to follow all the guidelines as set down by the WHO so why do I pay attention to this one? If you look at biological studies comparing brain size/development humans should nurse for 2-7 years if compared to our nearest primate relatives. That’s a long time. Milk is necessary for the development of most mammals and no other mammal in nature weans in order to give the milk of another species.
At this point Shanna is physically developed enough to be able to digest milk from other species and I’m certainly not opposed to dairy (mmmm ice cream) but nursing is different. My milk not only is the absolute perfect blend of nutrients for my species, my milk is specifically calibrated for my child. That cannot be duplicated by a bottle of cow milk.
Why am I talking about this? Because when you are pregnant most women lose their milk. There are some women (I’ve seen this as 30%) who maintain supply all the way through a pregnancy. It is also possible to dry nurse through a pregnancy and then move on to tandem nursing. The reason behind dry nursing is that nursing is not just about physical/dietary needs, it also fulfills important bonding/psychological needs. I already have a hard time with unnecessary nipple stimulation. It will be much worse when I am pregnant. I’m nervous about dry nursing. I’m also worried about Shanna losing out on having milk solidly until she is two. That is the biological minimum humans should have. I’m not sure I’m willing to compromise on giving her the minimum.
But that means spacing our kids out more than I really wanted to. That means probably waiting at least another seven months. I have mixed feelings about that. The Meniere’s has been progressing quite a bit just lately and that makes me nervous. It looks like we definitely won’t be trying for three kids so spacing out Shanna and Little TBD is less of a problem than it otherwise could be. I’m not sure how I feel about spacing between kids in terms of potential future getting along/competitive stuff. All of that is guesswork anyway.
So yeah. It looks like the mature, responsible decision is to wait. It’s only seven months. The problem is that I don’t wanna.
Right now I am working on/need to work on:
-finish cleaning out the garage. Noah helped me make HUGE progress this weekend. Yay Noah!
–label/send out pictures of Shanna. I never got around to doing the 9 month pictures and now I have 13 month pictures (I procrastinated and missed 12 months–whoops) sitting here. I’ll be shocked if they are done before she is 15 months old. Thank god our family tradition is to not do pictures again until 18 months.
-make jam for the first time!
-put together the storage stuff for the kitchen.
-put together the night stand.
-return the broken night stand to Ikea. (long stupid story here)
-figure out more decluttering/getting rid of stuff. I want us to fit comfortably in this house, damnit.
-deal with the meat in the fridge.
-go to laundry mat to wash the frickin comforter.
-upload pictures from the camera to picasa.
-do more laundry.
-take all the lovely poisonous chemicals in the garage to the recycling center.
-find a frickin electronics recycling place.
I hope that is it for this week. Oy. There is no way I will finish this all this week with my sweet, wonderful little helper.
I can’t believe I forgot!
Sarah found my music! She’s my hero! (It was a stupid thing I did that moved something I shouldn’t have moved but it didn’t touch the actual music. I’m barely computer literate.)
This is me doing my happy dance cause I have awesome friends willing to do desktop support.
so much to do and so little time
Today I made dinner. It took pretty much all day. I made pasta, pasta sauce, strawberry mash, and shortcake–all from scratch. That kind of preparation is a pain in the butt. All of the fresh ingredients came from the CSA box, the farmers market, or my back yard. I’m tired. I don’t know how people used to cook from scratch every day. This is a pain in the butt.
Yesterday I finished my tattoo. I want to do a full post about that very soon with pictures.
Shanna continues to astound me with her development. I’m thrilled that I have a willing sleeper. When she realized she wasn’t going to get me to go lay down with her “nigh-nigh” “I can’t right now Shanna” she more or less asked to be put on my back and she took her nap there. I’m extremely sore but she’s in a great mood thanks to sleeping and I got my chores done. w00t.
Tomorrow we are going to Friday Night Waltz! I hope to see many people there.
I should ping because I keep thinking about her. I’m obviously awesome at initiating contact though. Oy.
I’m at day 42 of my cycle. The stupid sticks I’m peeing on still say I’m not pregnant though. This is making me fret for a variety of reasons.
I’ve been ordered PT for my knee and a hearing test to get more of a baseline on my disintegration a la (insert accent mark) Meniere’s. I really like my Kaiser doctor. She said despite my eyes, ears, and knee I am in excellent health. She didn’t even blink hard in the direction of my weight and she told me that I should have a bunch more kids because obviously I’m a great mother. She thinks I have a great attitude about the Menier’s and I think there is no point in having a poopy attitude.
My house is a mess and I have dinner guests showing up sometime in the next half hour. I should probably get off livejournal. I get to see my Sarah! I’m excited. It’s been so long.
Things I never expected to say
“Shanna, will you please get your diaper off the counter.”
She’s up on the stepstool watching me cook. She decided that it was a great time to take her diaper off. See, this is why I don’t like velcro.