I have been very industrious this week. I have been working from when I get up till late in the evening. I’m exhausted. Of course there is more to do. Every so often I get into these cycles of freaking out about the fact that there is Always More To Do!!! Then I decide I don’t care and I ignore allmost of it for a while. I wish I could get to that part already but I can’t. The big thing left to do in the garage is dismantle the shelves that are attached to the walls and I’m afraid that is going to be difficult work because pieces of it are very heavy. Taylor is coming on Tuesday (!!!) so we can get started on figuring out the garage stuff. I’m terribly excited. Yes, I’m aware it will take multiple days. But Taylor unlike certain other people I could name but won’t isn’t a flake and will actually follow through when he says he will do a project with me so I’m not stressing.
We’re going to have a playroom! And I’ve started a fund for a play kitchen. I think that the play kitchen money should come out of my personal entertainment/fun money because I want it so bad.
Shanna really doesn’t care at this point.
I went to the orthopedic orthopedic? maxillofacial? surgeon today to discuss getting an implant. This is going to be expensive. I briefly read the propaganda they had on the subject but I left it at the office cause it pissed me off. No, this will not magically make my life better. I am, however, quite interested in the procedure because it can help prevent bone loss/decay issues later. So yeah. And once I get the procedure done it is like three months until the next step. So I guess it’s a good thing we decided to wait like six months before trying to get pregnant. oy.
And I went to a physical therapy thing today for my knee. Shanna was remarkably good. She sat on the chair and drew on a piece of paper and played with my sweater for an hour. Ok… probably 45 minutes and then she wanted to nurse. I’m once again impressed with my wonderful baby.
Boy howdy is she getting willful. I thought the ‘nononono’ didn’t start till more like two. Oy. When she’s not in the mood for something she is really not in the mood. It’s interesting. Of course I override sometimes when it is a safety issue. I try really hard not to override just because “I’m the mom”. I find myself having to fight my temper more now and that’s difficult for both of us. Like when I’m cleaning up the Cheerios she flung all over the floor. It’s ok that she made the mess but when I’m cleaning it up, don’t come in the middle and throw stuff again! Dude! So rude! I find myself talking about manners, rudeness, politeness, and consideration constantly. I’m sure there are a good many parenting gurus who would describe my system as awful. I’m very very judgmental of her behavior. It seems to me that if I’m not she won’t learn how to evaluate behavior. I never ever tell her she is bad. I do tell her constantly that she is good and sweet and generous. I tell her, “It is rude to yell inside because it hurts peoples ears.” I know she doesn’t ‘get it’ yet but I figure starting young will help ingrain these lessons. She does seem to understand, “Please stop” and respects it more often than I would expect at this age.
Maybe that’s enough babbling for now.
I thought the ‘nononono’ didn’t start till more like two.
Ummmm… either you haven’t read my Kidlet updates or you didn’t think about her age when you read my journal.
The first bouts of contrariness were long before she turned two. In fact, she’s more creative about defying me now.
Re: I thought the ‘nononono’ didn’t start till more like two.
The “Terrible Twos” actually start at about eighteen months and can continue until eighteen years.
Ah yes, McKenna just hit nineteen months and she’s got more attitude than the most terrible two-year-old you can think of. Thankfully, with those tantrums also come the sweet little kisses on the cheek and the very first “I love you”s. It’s those moments that make all the hair-pulling and boob-punching bearable. ^_^
I am so sorry I’ve been away for almost an entire year! My goodness how time flies. I shall do my very best to keep in touch from now on. I miss you, mi amiga. =)
Yeah! You should post!
So far our tantrums are not real bad she’s just… got her own opinions.