Every time I make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich I spread the peanut butter on the bread and then I use the same knife in the jelly jar. Then I cackle.
Every time I make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich I spread the peanut butter on the bread and then I use the same knife in the jelly jar. Then I cackle.
you torture me, woman, with your abuse of foodstuffs.
oh, the humanity.
no wonder you gots runny jelly.
it knows there’s no use being firm.
you *say* you like to bottom.
but *i* think you lie.
i think i shall go whack my head.
You are my favorite internet person ever. *hug*
i thought that guy you had the baby with was your favorite.
leave me and go with him.
i’m bad for you, grrl.
love ’em and leave ’em.
that’s me.
a real heartbreaker.
He’s a real person. You are an internet person. It’s different.
The punishment for this in my parents’ household is death. Heed my warning ye who abuses jelly. I however have more leniency. I do however find the concept of Goobers PB&J abhorrent.
thy parents, they be wise.